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I was sweating and nervous at the same time.

It's time, time that she will walk down towards me.

The door opened revealing her with a shining white gown puls her ethereal look.

She looks like she was sent from heaven.

She strolls step by step, enjoying the moment.

Tears welled up in her eyes because of joy.

We locked eyes and she smiled at me, I smiled back. She was in front of me, she looked at me for reassurance and I nodded at her.

She walked pass me, walking to her soon-to-be-husband.

It broke me, my heart broke into pieces. I have no choice but to be happy for her because she is my bestfriend.

"I pronounce you as husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." The priest said, everyone applause in joy and I am here pretending to be in joy.

Just like they say "If you love her, let her go" I thought that was wrong because I always believed in "If you love her, let her know"

Yes, I let her know, but she didn't get it, instead she married him and it truly broke me.

For her I'm just a best friend but for me she is the one who saved me, saved me in living in misery.

His name is Leo, who had a girl changed his life, and he loved her but they weren't meant to be.


"So, yeah, maybe we weren't meant to be, but we were meant to be important to each other.

& that's what matters to me."



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