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It was a tradition in the Mukta kingdom, the crown prince has to leave the royal palace and live as a commoner for 9 years when he turns 16.

This way he could become a grateful person and understands his people.

Prince Viraj knew he has to leave the palace as he will be turning 16 in two days.

He was traditional but due to the serious health condition of his mother, he was stressed.

He knew that his mother won't be here when he returns. She is dying and there isn't a cure to treat her.

*2 days later*

After the pooja ceremony on his birthday, prince Viraj went to meet his mother, for the last time.

Her face was pale, her eyes were dull and she was weaker than yesterday.

'How can it be possible, he met her at dinner just yesterday', he thought.

Queen Mayuri was sitting in front of god's ideal, praying

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Queen Mayuri was sitting in front of god's ideal, praying. As he went near him, he heard that she wasn't praying for her health.

She was praying for her son, Viraj.

"God give Viraj the strength he needs to overcome all the hurdles that will come in his life. He is going to be a great king, I know that, but I also know that to rule he will not only need courage but kindness. Please help him find both so that he can maintain the balance he needs."

She smiled when she found Viraj standing beside her. Viraj bent and touched her feet.

[In India touching feet of elders is a sign of respect]

"God bless you, Viraj. I know you will be a great king, even better than your father", she blushes as she mentions her husband. Viraj smiled at this.

The royal couple was deeply in love and it was not hidden.

King Shivraj didn't marry another woman even though polygamy was common.

When last year queen Mayuri was diagnosed with an incurable disease, his heart broke.

"A king better than father, are you sure, mother?" he teased her, he remembers all the time she used to tease him, saying his father is the greatest king.

"No, not really", she replied, he chuckled.

"I am going to miss you mother", he said in a serious tone, looking at her face.

"I know", she replied, "you have to leave Viraj, or I will have to break a tradition", her eyes filled with unshed tears, "do you want your mother to do that, Viraj?" she asked.

'No, mother', he said and immediately left for the stable to take his horse, his companion, Jugnoo.


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