chapter 27 : closed universe theory

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18 July; Thursday

I forgot to bring my compass.

I panic slightly. I ask Edgar if he has an extra one, and he replies that he doesn't have any to start with. "I fucking hate geometry," he says.

Then I ask Louis, but he doesn't have any extra one. I realize that no one in this world would carry two compasses.

I panic excessively.

"Dude, calm down." Edgar stands up and addresses the class. "Does anyone of y'all have an extra compass?"

Everyone shakes their head in negative. I try to keep myself calm, but I end up panicking anyway.

"What shoud I do?" I ask him, cursing myself for forgetting to check under my bed. Without the compass, I won't be able to draw a single geometric figure. I could hope that anything related to circles or spheres won't come, but that's too much to hope for.

He scratches the back of his head, eyebrows furrowed. What will I do now? Geometry will carry at least 30 marks. This is so bad.

"Maybe go to the seniors' classrooms to ask for one?" Louis suggests, "Louis heard they have Biology today, but most people carry a compass anyway."

"But there's only ten minutes left." And the seniors treat anyone even two days younger than them as trash. I start to fiddle with my fingers. It's maths exam, and if I don't relax right before it, I would mess up and get everything wrong. But there is no way to relax if I have put so many marks at risk by forgetting a geometric equipment.

"I'll go bring it," Edgar says, standing up. I grab his hand to stop him.

"No, I'll go. I can run."

"Well, so can I!"

"It's fine, thanks."

Just thinking of the fact that I would probably not do the same for Edgar if he was in my position, I can't let him to do it for me. I have started to sweat a little, nervousness thrumming through my veins. I stand to run out of the class, when someone grabs my shirt.

Surprised, I turn back to find a girl, who raises both her hands up in surrender position when she realizes she grabbed too hard.

"S-s-sorry. I have an extra compass." She holds out one to me. I notice patches of light pink skin on her coffee brown one.

"Oh. Thank you so much." I take it and look at her properly. A silent gasp escapes my lips when I recognize her to be the Periods girl I met when I was sitting out on PE that day.

Before I can tell her, she hastily turns, her auburn pony tail nearly hitting my face.

I sit down and breathe out a huge sigh of relief.

"She's like your guardian angel or something," Edgar comments, glancing behind to get another glimpse of her.

"Yeah, you're right. Do you know her name?"

He thinks for a while. "Think it was . . . Origami or something."

I roll my eyes."Origami can't be someone's name. Useless."

"Well, you are named after a fucking wood, so who are you to talk?" He takes the compass which I had placed beside my pens and puts it on his own table. I shoot him a questioning look. He explains, "Sharp things should be kept away from children."

I smack his shoulder. He kicks my leg. If the teacher didn't come, it would soon turn into a fight.

The question was surprisingly easy. I match my answers with Louis afterwards, getting only two unmatched, which he admits to have gotten wrong himself. Feeling relieved to some extent, I take the compass and look for the girl who lent it to me. I see her, leaving the class without taking it.

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