The Proposal: part 2

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A/N: Hi friends, I hope you enjoyed first part. Here is the 2nd part. I couldn't published yesterday because you know I'm a sleepy head. So... It's the last chapter. I know it's too short. But let know what you are thinking by obviously your comments. And special thanks to meow_astia. She has helped me a lot. All the credit goes to her. Infact I wouldn't dare to write if she hadn't poked me. I love you, my sister ❤️❤️ . She is writing a book "Agent Nerd". You can give it a try if you love mystery, suspense, action and the main attraction Double Life. If you're a lover of werewolf I suggest you to try "Swapped mate" by pandawithbraces. I guarantee you're gonna love this new vibes. I think I have talked so much. You guys enjoy the chapter. Bye-bye....


Troy : (I can't believe this!)
He looks at Emma helplessly. Emma nodded that he should pick up the phone. Display shows that it's Troy's father.

Troy : Hi,Dad.

Dad : Hello,son. How are you?

Troy: I'm good.

Dad: I know, you're little upset.

Troy: Why would I ?

Dad: We both are out of the city at a time. And you are totally alone. This hasn't happened before. You always love to spend time with family.

Troy: Dad believe me, I'm fine.

Dad : Ok,you are mature enough.

Troy : Yes,Dad..

Dad :  Hey, you're acting weird.

Troy: What!! ( Confused) I'm totally in myself.

Dad: No. When I come out of city & call you,you always ask about my presentation or deal. You haven't ask me today.

Troy : Oh!! Actually dad, I'm little mentally disturbed.

Dad : Do something what you like.

Troy: Yeah, I'm watching movie.

Dad: Which movie?

Troy: ( It's everybody ruining my date [ angrily] ) Umm..mmm... ( I can't tell I'm watching avengers. Coz, I have watched it 4 times with dad. Dad will think I'm missing him and that's why I'm watching this ) It's Power Ranger Megaforce  ( What!!)

Dad : Power Ranger Megaforce??!!?? Is it new ?

Troy : Yup,it released today.

Dad : Oh!! ( Suspiciously)

Troy: Yes,dad.

Dad: Son, are you with any girl?

Troy: What! Umm.. you know me, dad.

Dad  : Yeah,I Know. But you know what sometimes it better.

Troy: ( I'm trying but everybody is interrupting) Mom hasn't tell you anything?

Dad: What will she tell me ?

Troy: You will understand later.

Dad: Okay!!??! Take care,son. And enjoy your movie.

Troy: Ok Dad.. Bye.

Troy returned to his bedroom to Emma. Troy is puzzled. So as Emma .

Emma : (Situation is going worst . This isn't I thought and Troy has planned. How will I start the conversation mode on?)

Tremma : The ProposalWhere stories live. Discover now