The proposal: part 1

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The rangers' duty is finally off now.. Power Ranger Megaforce saves the world. They are finally free.
Troy is introvert but loves Emma more than he knows, but can't express it. Emma also loves Troy 💙. And so do Gia & Jack... And Noah....................... Meh! He is still a scientist and nerd.

After the farewell from Gossey....

Emma: So... we are free now.

Gia: Yes... I'll finally be able to do my work without any disturbance.

Jack: I want to eat 10 sub-sandwich in a row, I'll have not to rush for the monsters in the middle of the lunch. *bursts into laughter*

Noah: But I'll miss you, guys.

Emma: Hey, we aren't leaving you alone, okay? We are friends, and after working together we are kinda.... family now.

Troy: Emma is right. We are friends and no matter what we'll always be together. And promise me, if the world is again in danger and Gossey needs us, we all will fight together. Promise?

Everyone: Promise.

They smiles looking at each other.

Jack: So.. let's head home. I'm very tired, I wanna sleep.

Gia: Ok.

Noah, Gia, Jack are gossiping among them, few steps ahead of Emma and Troy.

Troy: (Come on Troy.. if you miss this chance, you will never get Emma,speak up) Emma...

Emma: Yes?

Troy: I-I...

Emma: Yeah. I'm listening.

Troy: Actually..... are you free this evening?

Emma: (blushing 😊 and in a mood of taunting) Why? Anything important?

Troy: Um.... No... I can postpone it for later.

Emma: Then okay.

Troy: Okay.

Emma: Okay for real! Are you really going to postpone it later ?

Troy: Yeah. For your sake. (Confused and disappointed)

Emma: Are you sure? (Please, say no. I was just taunting you. I want to... )
*finger crossed*

Troy: (Shut up, Troy. Speak up!)
Um.... uh..... Actually not. I want you to come today.

Emma: (Yes!) Okay. If you insist, I'll come. By the way, where and when?

Troy: My home at 7.

Emma: Okay. Your parents will be there?

Troy: No. They are out of the city this week.

They are almost at Emma's house.

Emma: I'll meet you at your place.

Troy: Yup. Love ya.

Emma: What?

Troy: Nothing. You go on.

Emma disappears into her home shutting the door slowly behind her. And Troy finally releases a sigh.


At Troy's place....

Emma presses the doorbell. She is wearing a red sleeveless gown, a purse in hand and her hair is done with a classic bun.

Troy opens the door.

Troy: Welc- [ He is mesmerized by Emma's beauty. She is looking like an angel. ]

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