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My eyes slowly opened when sunlight shone onto my face, making me squint my eyes when they opened, a yawn leaving my lips.

Before I could realize, I turned and fell right off the couch, a groan immediately leaving my lips.

"Oh, man-" Alec's voice filled my ears, as he slowly walked toward me, putting on his shirt, "That must've hurt-"

My voice was raspy, "It did-"

"Sleep okay?" Alec moved onto his knees, then leaned down and pecked my lips, "You knocked right out after dinner-"

Little by little, I remembered Magnus and I sprawled out in the living room of our apartment, trying to find him a new apartment while he was staying with us in the meantime.

"Like a rock-" I wrap my arms around his neck, as he lifted me up while he stood back up, my legs wrapping around his waist, "Did you sleep alright?"

"Yeah-" Alec nods lightly, a small smile on his lips, "I slept on the couch right next to you- had to make sure you didn't fall- see, I leave you for just a few minutes and you already fell-"

"Shut up-" I groaned lightly and pushed his face away playfully, "Where's Magnus?-"

"Apartment searching." Alec walked into the kitchen and set me on the counter, "He left earlier to go check out some of the ones you guys found last night-"

I yawn lightly, "What? I wanted to go with him-"

"He let you sleep in-" Alec poured me a cup of coffee.

Before I could reply, my phone rang on the counter, as I reached and grabbed it, answering the unknown number, "Hello?-"

Luke's voice sounds, "Zee-"

"Luke?" I was confused, "Whose number is this?"

Luke exhales, "It's the precinct's."

"They give you your badge back?" I ask.

"Not exactly- the vampires attacked the Jade Wolf, and they killed most of the pack." Luke told me, "And the police think that I did it."

"What?" I was caught off guard, "Oh my god-"

"There's no time to explain- I need you to tell the rest of the Shadowhunters what happened." Luke told me, "I gotta go-"

I was stammering, "Wait, Luke-"

"Don't worry about me, kiddo-" Luke assures me, speaking before her hung up,'"I love you."

"Luke-" I began, but he had ended the call.

"What is it?" Alec questioned, staring at me from where he stood, "What happened?"


"Hey-" Isabelle walked over to Alec and I in the Ops Center, a sigh leaving her lips, the look on her face already showing us that it wasn't good.

I look at her, "Any survivors?"

"I searched the entire area around the Jade Wolf." Isabelle told us, "I couldn't find anyone."

I sigh lightly, "What about Maia?"

"She's not among the dead." Isabelle lightly shook her head, "There's no sign of her."

"Vampires killing werewolves." Alec looked down, "This is how wars start-"

"What the hell is she doing here?" Isabelle's next words make me look where she was looking, Heidi walking in, Underhill escorting her in.

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