Chapter Forty-Four(Not)

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Author chan: Starts to write a new chapter

Mista: Breaks the wall* Oh no you don't. *takes the laptop away and points gun* ....Go to bed.

Author chan: *pulls a gun out on him too* Why don't you go to bed? Why don't you get to fucking.

Mista: I see how it is... BOYSS!!! TIE EM UP!!!

Author chan: *Demonic screech* I WILL MAKE THIS CHAPTER WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT MISTA!!!!! *Y/n and Fugo drag Author chan out*

Mista: Checks the computer* .........How the fuck do I delete this....

Abbachio: You can't, without that chapter, the cliffhanger is unsolved.

Mista: ...........I swear to god I'M GONNA FU-!!!

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