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the police were no help. of course, they limited as much information as possible, but the cops said they would "look into it." so, of course, the group set together two teams to handle two separate rescue missions. the main team consisted of eric, rylie, cam, toby, and matt, the other team consisting of olli, mason, ryan, jay, anna, and eric. he'd insisted on partaking in both attempts, since he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he wasn't there when she was found. there was no if in the equation, it was only when. anyone willing to try and convince him of otherwise would end up beaten black and blue, for certain. 

the plan was simple: go there at night in two ubers, then once the whole team is there, break in and get her out. last person in uses their phone to call the cops, and the rest do what they have to do to save her. so how rylie ended up with a knife plummeted deep in her ribcage was the greatest plan failure ever.

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"mate, you've got  to calm down. we'll get her out, don't worry about it man." cam reminds his short best friend, the tiny man steaming in his seat while matt just listens along. "she's tougher than you somehow, and we all know that. just focus on staying out of sight, and safe."

"how can i be the one fucking safe when she's tied up by some masochist chad asshole named fucking todd?!" he groans in reply, the man driving the uber nervously looking forward at the road and quieting down to not hear the trio's bickering. whatever it was, it must have been important to happen at eleven in the evening, and he's not paid to question where his customers are going, just if they'd like the economic route or the scenic route.

"we get that, man, but calm down, please... we'll get her out, you know that." matt now pipes in, sighing as he sets his hand on his friends shoulder to comfort him. "you just focus on your job, find her and get her out of there." the idea of carrying her out all knight in shining armor style brings a familiar pang of sadness, but he nods and sighs. nothing'll ever be the same for them, but he's willing to take that, if he can have her back.

"alright. let's be quick about it." his grumbly tone hints to the fact that the short mans mind is dying for him to have a hit off his juul and a toke, but the stubborn man would never do anything to remind him of his girl when she's missing.

"this is the place, thanks man," cam pays the uber driver, the boys all piling out then. toby and rylie are already there, waiting patiently for them. when matt asks for an update on everything, toby tells them they saw a post on the todd guys twitter about going out to some 'dinner party' and planning on crashing on a friends couch.

"so basically we have time to get her out and then some," toby tells them, earning bunches of nods. the two tall boys start by breaking into the window, as eric and toby then crawl in, and rylie stands outside to keep watch. as they look around the decently decorated australian pad, there's the sound of banging from an upstairs room. it sounds hollow, but also like it's been repeated for a while. someone smashing against a locked door, they can tell from when mason locked himself in the basement. so, they all rush to the upstairs noise.

- -

"somebody, please get me the fuck outta here!!" quinn shouts in her drained, exhausted voice. the strain of screaming in the soundproof room truly did a number on her vocals, but her vocals didn't matter when this may be her only chance to get out. the blood loss definitely didn't help her current state, so as she's throwing herself against the door she can tell she'll be out soon, but she has to keep going. todd wouldn't be back until the next morning, the same routine every night. all of a sudden, she hears footsteps. multiple ones. fuck me, she laments internally, he's brought his fuckin' friends again, i'm done for. but when that door finally opens, she could never feel more relieved.

"QUINN!" eric shouts, holding the girl he had missed so long oh so tightly. "fuck, princess, i knew we'd get you back!! i'm so sorry it took us this long!!" his words aren't even properly registering in her mind, all she focuses on is the friendly faces and the safety she feels for the first time in such a long time. 

"baby," her gentle voice croaks out as she cracks a tired, gentle smile, before her eyelids grow too heavy and she finally gives in and starts to sleep. of course, her boyfriend immediately begins panicking, but when toby reminds him that she's gone through a lot and is most definitely exhausted, he nods slowly and carries her downstairs as cam calls the cops, then looking around for quinns phone and clothes.

seeing his angel so beaten down tears his heart open. from the first glance at her, quinn was pale and bruised, but when he had to carry her down to the couch and lay her down, he could tell the damage was much worse. the bandages on her thighs are nearly bled right through, and she's got rope burns all over her wrists, not to mention how puffy the bags under her eyes are... and the terrible words written all over her in marker. he guesses it's sharpie, since no sex abuser would use a normal dry erase marker on human skin.

"they'll be here soon with an ambo, they want us to exit the house immediately though." cam tells the group, everyone nodding in agreement as they all go towards the door. but as they open it a slumped over body falls to the ground. jaw slack, eyes wide in shock and horror, and an anodized butterfly knife plunged straight through her ribcage, the boys all step back in fear as rylies body twitches a few times before she's limp, the blood pouring out of her chest staining the wooden floor.

"what the fuck, dude!" eric shouts out, holding his near death girlfriend closer to his body as a lanky, small man walks into the house, pulling the bloody knife from the girls chest. his green eyes are unsettlingly calm, and his demeanor reminds them less of a murder and rapist and more of a young college kid looking for a good hit of something to make his night better.

"none of you are going anywhere," the man hums, a sick smile on his face as he steps closer to the group. if only he'd have noticed the afp running on the sidewalk and up the driveway.


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i don't think there'll be many more updates this weekend, i'm going to my friends place for her birthday weekend.

hope y'all enjoyed this long piece of ass <3

stay safe, hydrated, and loved!

word count: 1194

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