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"hold on, cunt, there'll be how many  people?" quinn asks her bestest friend in the driver seat, who sighs a bit at the question. she heard it would be a private party, she didn't know 'private' for these lads meant their entire fucking friend group.

"it'll be us, the boys, bee, bordie, alex, the brothers, ryan and sam, olli, rylie and .... i think that's it," toby replies, taking a turn towards where the party supply place is. "don't worry too much about it, it's a trusted group and we made it like that so that eric can have his helmet off all night." hearing his name, and hearing that he won't be wearing his helmet, makes her heart swoon. she'll finally get to see his face, and it'll all be for her birthday. it's an exciting promise!!

"either way, how has twenty been treating you so far?" they ask, giving a sweet smile to the youngling beside them in the car. "i saw mason actually got up before noon to hang out with you before the party, so that's a fucking shocker." their comment makes her laugh, while she gives a little shrug and just smiles like the lovesick little birdie she is.

"we went to go get 'cakes at maccas, scared some kids at the playplace, fun times." she responds with a smile, "then he had to go home to help the boys, so it became your turn to babysit me." they laugh, nodding in understanding. this whole evening would be a blur the next day, but once someone started piecing it all together it would make a killer podcast story.

"yeah, and now here we are. outta the car," toby chuckles. "let's get us some balloons and streamers!" toby was charged with keeping her busy until about one, while the rest of the lads set up the misfits manor for the crazy party they'd be having later that night. so while the two crack jokes about party supplies, at the manor, a certain kiwi of an american man isn't exactly treating himself too well.

"eric, fuck sake, calm down you're gonna hurt yourself," cam laughs a bit, setting his hand on the nervous mans shoulder. "i get that you're trying to impress quinn, but-"

"but what? oh, no big deal, yanno, just the first time she's gonna see my face is when we'll all be blackout fucking drunk!" he shouts in reply, then pauses, giving a sigh as he runs his hand over his face. "sorry, man, i'm just real fucking edgy. she's got me all nervous."

"yeah, and you obviously haven't stayed away from weed for the day, you're like two bonghits away from being so high you float, mate." the comment is a joke, but it's true - his eyes are red and barely open, two turtleshells nearly closing on each other. not to mention, his juul is hidden somewhere in the house and he has no idea where - he woke up at six to look for it, but he still couldn't find it. so, basically, the 5'8 man is suffering from nicotine withdrawal, a really bad high, and a serious case of love related anxiety.

"fuck off, man, i'm trying here." eric sighs, still giving a little smile and a soft yet hearty chuckle. even just thinking about her makes him feel better; her laugh that quickly goes from a gentle giggle to a loud and proud, head-back howl of laughter. her darling green eyes that just sparkle when anything she's interested in catches her attention. her smile, god, that smile, and those perfect dimples that show that she hates but he loves so much. she's just perfect, in every way, and he wants a piece of that perfection. but he can't have it. he isn't worth it, and he knows it. so, instead, he can only watch the perfect pie be flaunted without having a slice, as it were.

"whatever, let's just get this house set up before they get back," cameron hums, earning a nod, as the two then get back to work after their little break. what all the misfits - and the birthday girl herself - know is that this party is gonna be wild.

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