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Hey guys! Sorry that I haven't posted chapter three yet. I'm sort of editing it slowly and steadily. I apologise for any typos you find, but please point them out. I havent had much time between schhol, homework, and rping.... so... yeah.

Anyways, here are some of my notes on the book.

This a completely a work of fiction so I had it take place in a fictional town... Yeah... So don't be mad.

During Chemistry I expanded my knowlage of measurments to Tera, at which point I realised that he name has a double meaning. Also because pepole in rl I've shown the book to pronounce her name Tara, I will clarify pronounciation. Its pronounced Terra, as in the latin word for earth.

Thats all I have to say. So vote, comment, fan, whichever.

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