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In the beginning of time, there was nothing; absolutely nothing. There was no earth, no parallel worlds, no multiverses; just nothing. But, all things want to be. All things want a form. Even nothingness wants a form. So slowly, power started to emerge and crystallize. The crystallized form was no bigger then a seashell, giving off a golden glow of energy. It was smooth to the touch, as it was an oval shape. And that oval crystal contained all the power that ever is, ever was, and ever will be. The stone almost thought for itself, so it wanted something to fill the empty feeling it had. It wanted a master that it could attach itself onto. So one by one it started to set off explosions, blurps of condensed energy, that became thousands of small universes. Each in its first plank second was smaller then an atom, but by the end of one second, it was larger then the solar system. Those were the first universe, all with similar worlds, all taking shape. The stone became the major force of gravity and was known as the unity stone, for its powers of creation.

Then the stone had created 7 multiverses per universe, each being called a realm. Each realm harbored a different species, all different. Each realm had its own appearance, and could make life different. The stone was proud of all of its work, reviewing each species.

His first realm payed homage to a strong willed species that evolved quickly to being superior above many species, yet instead of creating technology that changed nature; their technology worked with nature. Their city's dwelled tall on the side of water falls, inside of lakes, burrowed in mountains, even in the canopy’s of trees. Their tribal form of government was hereditary, though the leadership was passed down from Father to Daughter, then from Mother to son. They had a tall appearance, and aged as slowly as trees, adapting to any and every change in their environment. Known for their pointed ears they were dubbed by the stone as the Anthroms.

The second realm the stone created was made for a species who could think better then they could move. It took hundreds of years for them to evolve, changing their environment to be the dark, damp climate they needed. These creatures held no need for light, as their wet green eyes could see through the darkness. Their cities all were underground in places where the soil was moist. This species was peaceful, but deformed. Their backs were arched and their skin a peach gray tone. They were not strong, but their brains exceeded any other species. They were know as the Knockers, earning their darkened realm for themselves.

After that, the stone got bored with peaceful creatures and created a demonic species to fill it third realm. The species became stronger and more powerful than anything anyone had ever seen and had a power the Unity stone hadn't given its past two species. It could infect other species with its blood, and turn them like them. Of course that meant that this species lusted for war, and its realm was feudalized, separating into kingdoms, all fighting each other until only one was left. This species had chosen a different name to go with their long wings. They choose the name on their own, demons.

To counterbalance the wild demons, the stone set its fifth realm on a course to having no free will. In cities mounted in the sky, amongst beautiful beings with long, graceful white wings, he placed an evil child. This child wished for purity, and eventually grew up to create a system where all members of the species were brainwashed into having a certain path to their life. No one thought to choose where they lived, what job they had, even who they loved. This species’ venom lining the tips of their fingers did the exact same thing as ingesting the demons blood, it turned you into one of them.

Then the stone became more creative, and decided that there should be a species to govern all these realms. A species to rule all the other species, carrying out its will, and wishes. A species to make things entertaining for it. So it created a realm full of beauty. It placed sparkling castles of gold next to lakes. Stone mansions in fields of dark flowers. Shrines atop mountains crested with snow. In this realm he placed beings with powers beyond belief, and golden blood; beings that would live forever.

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