7- The Forest: Part 2

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Jimin's POV continued:

Poem looks at me, her eyes wide. I can see she is deep in thought but she doesn't say a word. I wait for her response.

Finally, she simply nods her yes. I sigh in relief. She turns towards the exit door and I pull it open for her. I see Milo, another one of my store's employee. But Poem continues walking towards the exit of the mall.

I hurry towards Milo to make sure the store does not go unattended.

"Where are the two of you going?" Milo asks, puzzled.

"Oh nowhere. Ms. Poem has some issue with her car so I am going to have a look at it. Take care of the store."

"But I used to be a mechanic, why are you going? I can help her out."

I smile and wave at a confused Milo and hurry towards Poem.

We walk in silence towards the elevator. I hope this is not awkward for her. I am racking my brains to come up with a suitable topic for conversation. But of course, my treacherous brain is all but in a puddle.

We are in the parking lot now. I clear my throat lightly.

"You can drive right? Or do you want me to drop you home?" I ask politely trying not to seem too clingy. And also, I have no idea where she lives.

But she is already shaking her head. "Please, I don't want to bother you anymore. You have already helped me a lot today. I cannot impose myself upon you any further." Her voice chimes. Too formal.

"You are not imposing. And we are friends. That's what friends do, help each other out."
I try to smile at her throwing in all my charms in it.

A hint of smile is playing around her lips.
"That was good timing on my part then. Had I not shaken your hand for friendship, we could have become sworn enemies." She is grinning now and a laughter escapes my throat.

"You are pretty dramatic." And also pretty. I add mentally and laugh along.

Poem is also smiling now. Looking visibly relaxed and calm.

"That's my car!" She squeals happily. "Thank you Jimin. And I will come to work tomorrow. This isn't something that I cannot handle."

And out of the blue, she stands on her toes and pecks me lightly on my cheek.

I freeze. My puddle brain shot itself right out of the window leaving me light-headed at this moment. I blink my eyes to clear my head but she is already sitting in her car now. I can feel my face going all hot and red while I stand there not knowing what to do or say.

Not trusting my mouth to say something sensible, I simply give her a sloppy wave. She looks at me and gives a tiny smile. Her eyes crinkling along with it. She hits the accelerator and is on her way.

I turn around. The fog around my brain has dissipated a bit and I can feel a smile stuck to my face.
Things turned out better than expected today. I feel my heart sing with every step that I take forward.

This forest is all bright now. The sun is smiling and the birds are merry. I might even find a way to reach my destination here. I muse.

Poem is my white summer cloud in this forest. Soft and beautiful. I smile at this strange analogy. My thoughts are a mess no doubt but looks like I have found my melody, my remedy.

I might soon enough find enough courage to deal with my head and heart. Not today, but soon enough. I can feel it.

I don't want to rush anything. And good things take time.

She has her past problems to deal with and my demons haven't been all slain. The forest is bright right now but the darkness will soon be here. What if a storm blows away my summer cloud?

I can feel myself spiralling. But I stop. I don't want to go down that path. Not today. Not when things are starting to look better for once.

My feet have carried my back to the store.

"What are you smiling about?" Asks Milo as soon as I step foot inside.

"Really? I am you boss buddy!" I wink at him mischievously still thinking of my little moment with Poem.

"As if I would ever treat you like one! You used to pull my hair when you were a kid too" Milo gruffs.

I laugh and proceed inside. I feel elated today. I might do something brave later on. An idea is starting to form in my mind.

I quickly open my computer and look at the employee details page.

Aha! There she is. I snap the screen with my phone and shut the computer.

I cannot wait for the evening to get over.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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