6- The Forest : Part 1

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Jimin's POV:

When Poem agreed to try to be friends with me and finally decided to shake my hands, I felt like floating through the air.

And then suddenly she tried to yank them away. Unknowingly I clutched them harder, shocked at this. And the haze of happiness suddenly lifted. Poem herself was startled and jumped when a pair of hands placed themselves on her shoulders.

She let go of my hand. My happiness was very short-lived. A man stood there, smirking at her.

"Joon what are you doing here?" I heard her say. Oh! So she knows this guy. This ill-mannered man who doesn't know he shouldn't touch people when their attention is otherwise occupied. The stranger grins.

I am feeling very uncomfortable now. Maybe he is her boyfriend. Of course she would have a boyfriend. She's so pretty and smart, and in college. I have not even known her for a day and I am already smitten. I feel cracks developing on my heart. The day went from ecstatic to dismal pretty quickly.

I feel like I am standing at the threshold of a forest, with no trail to cross it safely.

"Hi Poem! Long time no see." Said the stranger. Okay. So he is not the boyfriend. Thank Heavens. Maybe an acquaintance or an old friend whom she hadn't met in a while. As for now my Poem-...
I mean Poem is single. But I will have to ask her sooner than later. If not this guy, there is a huge probability she might have been taken. This will break my heart. So I better not start getting deeper in this mess. Truth be told, I really don't know the girl well enough.

"I am sorry Jimin. Could I take a short break right now if you don't mind?" She chimed. Oh I do mind. But I shouldn't. If I am sane.
"My shift would get over in-"

Fine! Treat me like a boss still. She has all the freedom in the world to not accept my friendship. "Go ahead, I don't mind." I almost snap at her. But the past few moments have been quite an emotional tumult for me. I sulk away silently towards the front of the store where I can barely make out what the two of them are speaking.

I feel a thought bubbling inside of me. A strange, anxious thought. All-consuming fear wrapped up with a sense of euphoria. I try to brace myself. I am not prepared to battle my mind and my heart right now. I don't want to acknowledge this rising feeling. I am not ready yet.

It feels like I have something beautiful right in front me. But I am not able to hold it because of fear. Fear that it is not mine to hold.

And with this fear, I feel a strange sense of happiness. Like shade feels to a scorched land, water to a parched man. This happiness, that I never knew was amiss and now I have found it right in front me.

I wish I was in my studio right now... I could have written up a melody to soothe myself and vent out my feelings.

Lost in these strange musings, I saw something move at the periphery of my vision and my head snapped up.

A strange red flare passed through me. That man- Joon- had her arm ensnared in his tight grip, his face inches away from hers, mocking her, insulting her.

"Listen up you sicko. Let go of my arm otherwise I will beat the shit out of you without thinking twice this time" Poem's voice chimes but I feel a hot buzzing in my ears. All I can see and hear is red fury and a carnal desire to demolish this man to ash who dares to mess with her.

My legs have already carried me towards her on their own accord. I grabbed the man's hand and pushed him, creating a respectable space between the two of them. I want to shield Poem from him but I also want to burn this man down.

"Let her go and I will not press charges of assault. Hold her for even a second more, I will deal with you in your own way, no questions asked." I snarl at him menacingly.

Poem lifts her head to look at me and our eyes meet momentarily. They look relieved. Calmness washes through me. She is fine. She is here. I will keep her safe.

Joon jumps back, with surprise or anger or fear, I do not know. His face is not an easy one to read. "Hey man didn't mean for it to happen inside your store. No need to to get anyone else involved. I will be on my way. See you later Poem. Looks like we need to work on our problem again." He is already walking out of the store.

And just like that, anger bubbles inside of me again. Your problems will be dealt with, no doubts about that Mister. I will make sure of it. I am sure I am also loosing my mind. But I cannot help it anymore.

I am no longer at the threshold of the forest. I am halfway already and I don't think I will be coming out from it. Not anytime soon.

I place my attention on this girl beside me. The girl who has managed to suck in every last bit of my attention towards her from the moment I laid my eyes on her. Her face is contorted in anger and sadness. I wish I could brush it away. Her eyes are looking glassy. My anger at Joon has already ebbed away. Now all I feel is concern for Poem. What kind of trouble is she in with this guy. How is she handling it alone?

She looks up at me with her glossy eyes. She's on the verge of tears.

"Hey! That's okay. Take tomorrow off if you want. Do you want me to walk you to your car?" I can tell she wants to get over with this incident quickly.

I don't want her walking alone in the parking lot. What if Joon is still lurking there?


Hello lovelies,
So I used 'Joon' only and not 'NamJoon' in Jimin's POV because he doesn't know him yet... The only part of Poem's and NamJoon's conversation he heard was where Poem referred to him as Joon.

I just wanted to explain this so that it doesn't seem too weird.

Though not many people are reading this story, yet for those of you who are, a bear hug to you!

Though not many people are reading this story, yet for those of you who are, a bear hug to you!

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