Chapter 2 Odd Feeling

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Chapter 2

Odd Feeling

Noel's POV

"Guys! Hurry up! I can't have you being late for your first day at your new school," I shout up the stairs while beating the eggs for the girls' omelets. I turn back into the kitchen so I could set out Basil's granola. Opening the fridge, I grab the carton of orange juice and the jug of animal blood. After pouring out the drinks, I go to the stove and start cooking Tempest's omelet. While that's cooking, I add some blood to Amber's and mix it together.

"That smells amazing, Daddy!", Amber says as she makes her way down the stairs. I see that she has decided today is a purple day. A glittery purple headband is holding her red mane away from her adorable face. She's wearing a "Daddy's Princess" lavender shirt, a dark purple tutu, and some bedazzled purple leggings. She even switched out shoelaces with the purple ones I brought her because I refused to buy her a pair of shoes for every color of the rainbow.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Can you be a dear and fill up your thermos so you can bring it to school?", kissing her on the head before returning my attention to the eggs.

"Of course, Daddy," Amber smiled. I watch her curly hair bounce as she skipped out of the kitchen to get her thermos out of her backpack.

"Daddy, coffee please," Tempest wailed as she dragged herself down the stairs. Tempest comes down wearing her favorite jeans that are covered in her Sharpie doodles and a Where's Waldo t-shirt that says, "You can't see me." She shuffled across the room in her custom "Tripping Over You" webcomic converse. Her wavy locks tumbling down past her shoulders.

"How about some eggs and tea to take to school?", filling up the kettle, setting it on the stovetop, and placing her plate in front of her.

"Deal," she says as she starts to dig into her food.

"Are you wearing one of your brother's feather?", I ask looking at the black feather clipped to the hair framing her face while setting the rest of the table.

Tempest shrugs, "It's not like he's using it. Plus, I needed something to keep him close since our schedules don't match up at all."

"Technically, I was using it before you pulled it out," Basil says as he makes his appearance on the stairs. "You're lucky it wasn't a tail feather," he huffed. His eyes hidden behind his bangs. Black skinny jeans hugged his long legs. Sadly, Basil outgrew me last year, he now rests at 5'9" and me stuck at 5'8". But we still are the same shirt size which explains why Basil is wearing my red hoodie. He's been doing that since he was 14 so I don't even bother pointing it out. Basil plops down in his seat and begins eating.

A streak of purple and red shoots by and lands in her chair, "Daddy, when is Dante going to visit?"

Basil stiffens in his seat. Dante left to back to his clan yesterday. It's the first time he's been this far away from us. I could tell that they miss that overgrown child, especially Basil.

"Dante told me that he plans to be back before Basil's birthday," telling her before tending to the tea.

"But that's a whole month from now," Amber whines.

I raise an eyebrow at her. She's knows how I feel about whining.

"I mean yay that's only a month from now," Amber says before going back to her omelet.

I smile and pour the tea into my mug and Tempest's thermos. And blood into Amber's.

"Aren't you going to eat something, too?", Tempest asks. "You didn't eat anything yesterday so you need to eat something today."

My shoulders tense but I force them to relax, "I promise to get something to eat after I drop you guys off at school. I wanted to try that bakery in town, anyway."

"That's fine but I want you to send me a picture proving that you ate," Tempest said sternly.

"Sometimes I wonder whose taking care who," I sigh.

"Don't worry, daddy. You can still make me food and wash my clothes," Amber pipes up and smiles at me.

I walk over to her and plant a kiss on her head, "Thanks, sweetie. You always know how to make me feel better."

"So Dad, what are you planning to do after visit the bakery?", Basil asks.

"I plan to go to the shop and fix anything that needs to be done before the grand opening next week. Oh, I also have also a couple of interviews for positions in the shop," I respond. The shop in question is a building located in downtown Rosepoint. Dante brought it for me so I start a flower/apothecary shop. He knew I didn't want to rely on him for the rest of my life. Dante took care of most of important junk such as suppliers. I just have get the store looking the way I want and hire the employees.

"I should have guessed. Well, I'm done," Basil says standing up.

"Me, too," says Tempest gathering her dishes.

"Me, three," Amber says before downing the rest of her blood.

"Okay, I'll load up the dishwasher and all of you go double check if you have everything for school," I says as I hand Amber and Tempest their thermoses. As soon as I start the dishwasher, Amber runs up to me.

"Daddy, can you help me with my sunscreen?", Amber requests while giving me her best puppy eyes.

I take the bottle of sunscreen from her and squeeze some out onto my hand, "No need for puppy eyes, love." I apply the sun block to Amber's exposed skin.

Once I finish, I let her take my hand and pull to the front door. Basil and Tempest are already there shouldering their backpacks. I grab my keys and gloves, open the door, and go to the car. Everyone piles into the car and we're off.

We get to the high school. I double check that they remember where the office is. As I leave, I pass a silver convertible going in opposite direction. I get an odd feeling from my leopard making me want to turn back. I ignore it and make the turn toward the elementary school.

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