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His head was pounding. Bright lights bled through his eye lids and  made his stomach churn with displeasure. The dryness in his mouth made him choke. So, so dry. His breathing was shallow.

Why am i so cold? He wondered, wiggling his fingers against something soft but quite scratchy. A blanket? Sheets? Muffled voices floated from somewhere far away. He only caught short snippets.  Cocaine toxicity. Seizures. Blood.

Liam willed his eyes to open. They felt unnaturally heavy. Like he was on drugs. The smell of disinfectant wafted into his nose and a soft but steady beeping broke through his  sleep induced haze. Liam's eyes flew open and he squinted at the unwelcome light. His mind went into sudden overdrive.

Hospital. Ambulance. Drugs.

Shit, he thought, turning his blood shot eyes down towards his arm and inspecting the IV, stuck and taped into his arm, probably dripping morphine into his bloodstream. He felt sick. God. His head was still pounding.

" I see you are awake, Mr. Payne." A smooth voice suddenly spoke, making Liam jump. A doctor was standing in the rooms doorway, holding a clipboard and a glass of water. Liam sniffed. The doctor pointed at the dangling IV bag.

"Morphine. Very low dose. It should kick in soon. It'll help your headache." He said, walking in and setting the board down onto a small table. "We've also given you some benzodiazepine. It manages seizures." Liam gulped, lifting his hand to instinctively wipe at his nose. He was expecting blood, but nothing was on his hand when he looked. The doctor gave him a calm look.

"Your drug levels were very high. Cocaine toxicity. You only suffered on seizure while in the ambulance. Nothing too damaging." He said, passing the Styrofoam cup to Liam, who took it in his free hand and cautiously sipped the cold water. It was the best thing he had ever tasted. He slowly cleared his throat.

"So, am I okay? When can I leave?" He questioned, passing back the empty cup. The doctor sighed.

"Drug toxicity is very dangerous, so, you will be here for roughly the next week. We have to monitor your vital signs for any problems. This may be a lot of information for just waking up, but you have to know all of this. Its vital." Liam blinked at him sleepily. He could finally feel the pain killer kicking in.

"You will more than likely be sent to rehab after this, Liam." The doctor straitened his coat, frowning. Dr. Isaac Samuel, his name tag read, from what Liam could see.

"Sure." He agreed, eyes growing heavy. "Tired." He heard isaac stand and say something quietly to someone standing in the doorway. A second pair of shoes padded into the room. Liam couldn't keep his eyes open anymore.

"Liam? It's Me, Zayn. Hey, Liam?" He could of sworn it was Zayn. He missed him so much. He had to be hallucinating. Someone shakily pulled the scratchy blankets up to his chin. They felt warm.

But why am i still so cold? He wondered as he slipped into deep sleep, dreaming about Zayn's voice.


bonjour!! im an so so so sos os os so sorry it took me SIX MONTHS to update something as short and shitty as this. but its something right?

i'll try to get something up by at least sorta maybe february?? a real chapter, not some filler like this. no promises though. eek.

first comment gets the dedication because i have no friends on this site bah :(

merry christmas,and a happy new year yall! ♥

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