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Three years ago: The breakup

It was a sunny summers day when Zayn finally broke up with Liam.

It had been their fourth anniversary of being together. Zayn and Liam had been high school sweethearts, inseparable and totally in love.  They were perfect for each other. They both had a passion for music and art, and they both were genuinely good people. Or, at least that's what Liam had thought.

Liam and Zayn walked to the local park in the early afternoon. Liam could tell Zayn was anxious about something. He was constantly rubbing his head and looking around himself, but continued to swing their hand despite his dilemma. They reached an old park bench and sat down, all while Zayn took out a cigarette and shakily lit it. Taking a deep pull, he passed it over to Liam, who proceeded to do the same thing. Zayn was making him nervous.

"Okay, what is it that's got you all jumpy and shit?" Liam finally said, breaking the heavy silence. Zayn jumped and adverted his eyes to Liam's confused ones. He audibly swallowed before opening his mouth to speak.

"I have something to tell you. Something important." Liam's mind immediately went to all of the worst case scenarios. Did he have cancer? Was he dying? Was someone else dying? Liam grabbed his hand.

"What is it?" He asked pleadingly, scared of the answer he would get. Zayn looked down at his shoes

"I'm... I'm bisexual."

Liam stopped breathing for a second, before letting out a breath of relief. He started laughing and leaned on Zayn.

"I though you were gonna say you were dyin' or somethin'!" He said, looking up at Zayn with amusement in his eyes. Zayn looked even more devastated then before at the statement.

"I want to break up." He blurted out, while ripping his hand from Liam's.

Liam's blood ran cold.

"W-what? Why? Did I do something wrong?" He whispered, feeling tears well up in his eyes. Zayn gulped and nervously looked around.

"No! No. I just... I just can't. I need to experience more than just this! I love you, Liam, but I need to do this." He rushed out, before abruptly standing up and walking away. Liam watched him go.

'Go after him, jackass!'  His mind screamed at him, but he was glued to the bench. He couldn't breathe.

Zayn left.


Hey!! So I discontinued this but then decided to non-discontinue it?? I couldn't bring myself to let it be discontinued forever. oops!

So apparently the last time I updated this was December 23, 2014. Uhhhh.

But!! Tell me what you think! (ik its really short AND REALLY AWFULLY WRITTEN UGH :s)

- Hannah

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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