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When Jimmy woke up, Gary was already fully dressed and staring at him from the other side of the couch.

He yawned and rubbed his eyes, hoping it would get rid of the feeling of them being glued shut. Gary shifted his legs as he watched, still silent. Jimmy wondered what was up with him. Was he upset again?

"Morning, Gary." Jimmy sat up and tore his blanket off, squinting as he turned to face the bright windows on the other side of the room. He wondered how long he slept for. He could remember being up until one AM, unable to sleep with his mind on Gary. Gary, for god's sake, who he still wasn't able to confess to. But he had to know if Gary felt the same way first. If he didn't, then what was the point?

"Hi," Gary said. He eased his posture and sunk back into the couch cushions, but kept his eyes on Jimmy. Jimmy worried that he'd done something wrong.

And what would that be? Getting Gary out of Bullworth and flirting with him? What a crime. "You okay?" he asked, before thinking his question over. "Mad at me?"

Gary swallowed his spit. "Should I be mad at you for something?"

"If you're not mad, then why are you staring at me like that? You seem upset."

"I'm not."

Jimmy stood up from where he was sitting and sat down next to Gary. "Talk to me." He ran his tongue over the front of his teeth. Fuzzy. Gross. Jimmy didn't have a chance to brush them last night, and he wouldn't this morning, either, until he went back to Bullworth.

"I'm not upset," Gary smiled, crossing his arms. This took Jimmy by surprise. "I have a question."

"Yeah?" he asked. Jimmy was glad Gary was okay, but unnerved at the fact that Gary was staring at him when he woke up. God knows how long that went on for. Something was up, and clearly Jimmy was in some deep shit. He only hoped he would be able to get out of it, whatever it was.

Gary turned to face him, pulling his legs up onto the couch. "Would you hold hands with Petey?"

"What?" Jimmy said, grinning now. The question was so ridiculous- Petey? Where did Petey come from?

But it hit him, and his smile began to fade. Jimmy held hands with Gary last night, and he was comparing it to holding hands with Petey. Gary must've done some reflection when he woke up, because he was starting to figure things out. That was okay. Gary wasn't mad... which meant things were going his way. They had to be.

"In a life or death situation, sure. Or if I was offered money."

"Really?" Gary asked, moving closer to Jimmy on the couch. "Then why did you hold hands with me?"

Jimmy smiled again, vaguely aware he was being flirted with. "Because you're not Petey."

"And what's so different between me and Petey?" he went on, lowering his voice. Gary slipped Jimmy's hand into his own, their faces only inches apart now. Jimmy tried to answer, but couldn't, his mind too cloudy to think and throat too scratchy to talk.

He knew the difference, alright. Gary was cuter. Gary made his heart flutter and caused him many sleepless nights. And Petey was just kind of annoying, but useful, hence him sticking around. "You..."

"Yeah? I?" Gary urged.

"You, uh..." Jimmy said, letting his head rest against the couch. He stared up at him, shocked that Gary could make him feel this way. Gary could flirt. He always thought he would be the one to make the moves.

Jimmy focused on his eyes, wondering how he should even answer in the first place. There was no way this could go wrong. If Gary was flirting, it meant he liked him back. With that assurance, he was finally able to speak. "Cuter."

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