Chapter 4

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3rd Person POV

The VK's lead Ben to a certain building and Jay grabbed a rock and threw it at a "Danger! Falling Rocks" sign. The sign flew backward and the front gate lifted up, revealing a bunch of stairs leading up. 

Ben: Wish me luck

Ben walked all the way up the stairs to the hideout where the VK's lived before. Once he reaches the top of the stairs, Ben walks to Mal to see her with new purple hair with bangs. She was spray painting something on the wall

Ben: At least I don't see myself with devil horns and a pitchfork

He laughs as Mal turned around startled

Ben: Mal, I'm so sorry about our fight. It was all my fault. Please come home

Ben pleaded to Mal while showing her his ring. Mal sighs

Mal: Ben, I am home

Ben tried to make a joke out of the situation

Ben: I brought the limo. It's a sweet ride

Mal: I don't fit in Ben. I really gave it my best shot. And if you think that I can change. I think you're wrong

Ben: Then I'll change. I'll skip school, have more fun. You know what, I'll blow off some of my responsibilities 

Mal: No, no! See?! I'm such a terrible influence. It's only a matter of time before I do something so messed up that not only does the kingdom turn on me, but they turn on you too!

Ben: Don't quit us Mal

Ben put the ring in her hand

Ben: The people love you..... I love you

Mal sighs once more

Ben: Don't you love me?

Ben asked her softly. Mal looked at the ring and smiled, but she put the ring back into the King's hand and closed his hand with the ring inside

Mal: I have to take myself out of the picture because it's what's best for you, and it's what's best for Auradon

Ben stepped forward but Mal pushed him back

Ben: Mal, no, please

Mal: Ben... I can't do this

Mal turned back around as Ben walked out. He came back down the stairs and shook his head

Evie: Let us talk to her

Evie grabbed Y/N's hand and walked towards a pole with a speaker attached to it

Y/N: Mal, It's Evie and Y/N

Evie: Let us just talk to you for a second

Mal spoke into the speaker upstairs

Mal: Go away!

Jay walked towards the 2 VK girls

Jay: Let's give her time to cool off

Carlos: Guys, where's Ben?

Evie: Ben? Ben!

Suddenly, a dark figure emerged. The 4 sighed in relief

Y/N: Ben, don't scare us like that!

???: Don't scare you? But that's my specialty

A voice with a Scottish accent answered. Y/N knew who it was immediately

Y/N: Hey Harry

She said with a glare

Harry: Well, well, hello there my sweet Y/N

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