Chapter 1

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Your new hair

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Your new hair

Your outfit for Ways to be Wicked

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Your outfit for Ways to be Wicked

Third Person POV

The 5 VK's stood over a boiling cauldron. The 2 boys dumped apples into the mixture as 2 of the girls stirred the mixture together. The girl with purple hair read from her spellbook, looking to select a spell. She looks up at the others with a smirk then read from the book

Mal: Wicked ways from within,

Let all who taste now join in

All of the kids laughed evilly as they began to sing

VK's: We got all the ways to be


We got all the ways to be


C'mon hey hey hey hey hey

Hey hey hey hey 

Hey hey hey hey hey

Mal, the purple-haired girl, struts in front of a line of lockers. She slammed each door as she walked past shaking a can of spray paint as she sang

Mal: Crashin' the party, guess they lost my invention

Friendly reminder got my own kinda persuasion

At the end of the lockers, she met a girl with fiery red hair, also known as Y/N. The 2 of them exchanged smirks as Jane, a cheerleader, and Fairy Godmother's daughter came up to them. Mal tossed a bottle of spray paint as Y/N gave her an apple they had spelled. They high-fived as Jane took a bite out of the apple and walked away with the spray paint bottle. They turned to a white-haired teen boy as he continued the song

Carlos: Looks like this place could use a bit of misbehavior

Happily ever after with a little flavor

He sang as he dumped out a bucket of apples onto the floor casing a line of students to drop and grab them. They all took a bite then looked over to the boy. He smirked then pushed the empty bucket under them causing them to all jump into the air as it passed by them. Carlos then came and slammed a hand onto the locker by Y/N's face before wrapping an arm around her shoulder and grabbing Mal's hand, leading them both away. We now cut to a teen boy with long brown hair, also known as Jay. He's at the marching band practice throwing and kicking apples at the students as they try to play their instruments as he sings

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