Chapter 10: All Die Young

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Episode 9: Changes

The echo of tires screeching could be heard through the neighborhood

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The echo of tires screeching could be heard through the neighborhood. The travel between the house and the academy had been quick, seeming way shorter than it actually was considering the speeding and the adrenaline coursing through their veins. The car came to a screeching halt, the passengers exiting the vehicle.

"Come on!" Five shouted. "Let's go!"

"I don't think she's breathing." Luther exhaled, mainly directing his statement to the paramedic who kept her hand on Allison's throat to stop the bleeding, the latter being carried by her brothers.

"If we don't get her upstairs, she's gonna die!" Klaus exclaimed before they passed the doors. Diego urgently called for Grace and Pogo. His mother soon appeared next to them and led them to what can be called the operation room. They placed Allison on the bed while Isabel kept her hands in place. The many gauzes that she had placed were soaked in blood, the crimson liquid tainting her fingers. Isabel looked at Grace and started to give her all the information she could.

"She was conscious when we arrived on site but drifted in and out during the ride. Low pulse, lost a lot of blood and she's barely breathing." Isabel stated with urge and conviction.

Grace nodded, taking the information. "You will help me with the surgery." She directed, making Isabels eyes widen.

"I can't do surgery, I'm just a paramedic!" She exclaimed, surprised that Grace would trust her enough to do something so important.

"It is better than nothing," Grace said and Isabel nodded knowing that she had to do this. "Also, one of you will need to give blood."

As soon as she finished her phrase, the four brothers immediately volunteered. "I will - I'm doing it," Luther said and went to pass Diego before Pogo stopped him.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy." He disputed. "Your blood is more compatible with mine."

Luther looked down in shame while Grace cluttered with the medical tools. "Hey, don't sweat it. I-- I got this, big guy." Klaus stepped in and went to Grace's side. "I love needles."

"Master Klaus," Pogo once again brought the attention to him. "Your blood is... How shall I say this?" He paused. "Too polluted."

Diego lightly tapped his brother. "Move, I'll do it." He said and Isabel was glad that they had finally figured this mess out but as soon as he saw the needle, he passed out cold.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed while others gasped in surprise.

"Stick him," Pogo said but Isabel quickly protested.

"No!" She called out making them stop in their tracks. "Guys, take Diego and bring him somewhere else. You want to raise his blood pressure and lower his temperature so raise the legs and put ice on the back of the neck." The brothers nodded, her instruction being clear. She turned to grace. "I'm 0-negative, stick me."

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