Moving Day

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Faith looked out of the car window as the landscape outside blurred, wondering when the heck they would arrive to their new temporary home in Kanto. She knew that she was going to miss Alola, but she also knew she wouldn't be gone for long. Her parents had said at least half a year, depending on how long their current project would take, maybe longer.

Suddenly, the car started to slow down. The road became bumpier, and as Faith watched, they passed a sign that said "Kantonian Border". Faith sat up straight, trembling with excitement. The car turned down a long, narrow road, then into a small town, with a sign that said, Welcome to Viridian City.

"Are we here?" Faith asked with an excited tone in her voice. Her mother smiled and nodded. "Welcome to your new house, sweetie," she said. Faith blushed with embarrassment at the word "sweetie". "Stop it, Mom..." She groaned quietly. Her mother smiled again and started to tease her, "You go on out now, and see if you can find a nice, cute boy to hang out with, hm?" Faith rolled her eyes and nodded. "Fine..."

Faith hugged her mother slightly before heading off to Pallet Town. It was a nice, small, quiet town with very few houses, but the Pokemon Lab was there, and Faith wanted to introduce herself to the Pokemon Professor that her parents were going to be working with.

As she opened the door to the Pokemon Lab, she almost ran into a young boy who had an Eevee following closely behind him. "Oh! S-Sorry. I didn't see you there," Faith said politely. The boy smiled. "You're good," he said. "Vee!" The Eevee squeaked, running up to Faith. Faith smiled and knelt down to pet it. "Aw, an Eevee! So cute!" She exclaimed, scratching the fox-like Pokemon behind its long brown ears. The Eevee purred softly and rubbed up against Faith while its owner smiled.

"I don't think I've ever seen you around Kanto before. You new?" He asked politely. Faith nodded and smiled. "Yep! I just moved here from Alola. My parents are Pokemon Professors, and they needed to move here for one of their projects. My name's Faith," she replied. The boy smiled. "Pleasure to meet you, Faith. I'm Sparky," he said, holding out his hand for a handshake. Faith accepted it with a smile. "Well, I should probably get going," Sparky said. "Come on, Eevee. Time to go to your new home."

Faith smiled as she watched him walk out.

"Can I help you?" Faith jumped at the sound of the voice. She turned around. "Oh, hey, Professor! My name's Faith. I just moved to Kanto from Alola," she said, holding her hand out for another handshake. Instead she was swept up into a hug. "Wha?!"

"It's so nice to meet you, Faith!" The professor exclaimed. "Welcome to Kanto. I have prepared a Pokemon for you, as a gift. Come, now, and meet your new friend!" He hurried to the back of the lab. Faith followed him. Sitting on one of the tables, was a small, fluffy Pikachu. Faith gasped and smiled. "Aww!"

She walked up to the Pokemon, but what she didn't notice was the small, blue, cat-like Pokemon watching her through one of the windows...

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