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There was a clean black shirt laid on the bed, Hesh picked it up and tossed it to Logan. The younger man thanked his brother and pulled the shirt over his head, fighting a cringe when it dragged across his stitched arm.

"What do you and Keegan even talk about? The guy barely says a word outside of missions, but you're always around him...and you two seem close." Hesh asked in a hushed whisper just in case Keegan walked through the door.

How was Logan supposed to answer that? What didn't they talk about? Keegan was the one person in the world he didn't care rambling on and on around or sitting in silence with, soaking in the other's company. "Um..we talk about everything." Logan answered, patting Riley on top of his head, the dog seemed to grin up at the youngest Ghost. The only thing on Logan's mind was wishing that Keegan would walk through the door and save him from the awkward question. Even if they still had to keep what was between them a secret...for now.

"Everything?" Hesh asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah, everything."

"That's specific."

"Can you drop the nosy older brother thing for a minute so we can go get some food?" Logan sighed, frowning at his brother, he shot a look to the door. Any day now, Keegan.

Hesh laughed and playfully ruffled his hand about in Logan's hair just like he did since they were kids, it was much different than how Keegan did it. His brother's was quick and messy, Keegan's was soft and lingering, fingers brushing at the crown of his head. Both touches were affectionate and loving, but only Keegan's had an extra layer of tender that made his heartbeat erratic.

"Sure, sure. You can consider it...postponed, I can't drop it forever." Hesh said, grinning at his brother and dodging the shove Logan almost gave him. "Too slow, Logan!" He laughed and recovered from his ducking position.

"Only because I'm injured, bro. Big accomplishment, you were faster than your wounded brother, wow. You should be so proud of yourself." Logan scoffed.

Hesh opened his mouth to direct a comeback of the verbal kind to Logan, since physical retorts were off the table, but right then, Keegan walked back in the room, a small plastic bag of pills in one hand and a cup of water in the other. It was then that Logan saw how messy Keegan's hair looked, the short strands were tousled and unruly, Logan had to suppress the affectionate smile from falling on his lips with the back of his unbandaged hand, but tried to convey the feeling in his eyes, his jaw clenched as Keegan closed the distance between them, both of their gazes never leaving the other.

Awkward silence was a bit of an understatement, only due to Hesh's presence in the room, Logan couldn't wait to leave and escape his brother's prying eyes.

"Uh, we ready to go?" Logan asked Hesh, relishing in the warmth of Keegan at his side again, it was a challenge to break his gaze away from the Keegan, he could feel his eyes on him the entire time he spoke.

"Almost, get your boots on and I'll finish packing up, then we're out of here." Hesh turned away from the two of them and resumed shoving Logan's belongings into the pack.

Logan let out an audible sigh of relief and faced Keegan, the two of them huddled close in the corner of the hospital room, Riley paced in front of them, sniffing the floor. Logan was a little surprised the staff allowed a dog, but not a man. Maybe they knew exactly what intentions Keegan and him had last night.

"Here, take four, it'll help more." Keegan said, dropping the pills into Logan's hand. Logan nodded and tossed them in his mouth, it looked as if Keegan wanted pour the water into the younger man's mouth himself as he lifted the cup to Logan's lips, Logan stole a look behind Keegan and saw that Hesh was still occupied, so he allowed Keegan to do the gesture, he would have been humiliated, but the soft look in Keegan's eyes eradicated that feeling fast, the way his gaze shifted to his throat when he swallowed, flashing heat on Logan's skin. Apparently, Keegan just wanted to take care of him and...check him out, both things were something he wasn't used to.

"Why'd you do that?" Logan asked after he drank down the water, wiping his wettened lips with the back of his unwrapped hand.

Keegan shrugged, "Just wanted to." He stole a quick kiss on Logan's damp mouth.

"You can 'just want to' again, I mean, I wouldn't exactly be against that. I never got to fulfill my promise, making you sick of kissing me." Logan murmured under his breath.

"Pretty sure you tried to make me sick of it and failed, like I predicted. I still want you more than ever, kid." Keegan spoke roughly, a ghost of his touch lingered on Logan's face when Keegan lifted his hand up.

But Hesh was there the next moment, pack slinged over his shoulder, his head jutted to the door. "Come on, when Kick is hungry, he's the biggest ass ever." Hesh said, unaware of Keegan's hand dropping back to his side.

"Finally!" Logan grunted, already halfway to the door.

"Then there's you, impatient and grouchy." Hesh jogged to meet up with his brother.

"I don't think he's so bad." Keegan said breezily from behind, a knowing glance shot at Logan, kisses imprinted on his and Logan's lips from last night, this morning, a few moments ago, not so easily forgotten. And the promise of more left a thrilling feeling in both men.

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