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Training with his dad taught Logan countless things. One of the most important lessons Elias instilled in Hesh and him was to always be on your guard, know your surroundings, adapt, and be alert. Thanks to that knowledge impressed on him, Logan had a set of noises he associated as 'normal'; dad running on a treadmill, a microwave beeping from someone reheating coffee, Riley pattering around on the wood floors, Hesh mumbling to himself while he jotted down in his notebook, Keegan's quiet breathing and turning pages of a book, the clicking of Merrick checking his guns, Kick typing on a keyboard. Anything that didn't fit into that category was a sign that something wasn't right, that he needed to wake up and be prepared for anything.

A distant beeping and sharp intake of breath didn't fit the mold, Logan twitched from his sleep on the bed, the unusually warm and moving bed. He attempted to stretch his arms out above his head, but found he was unable, held in a tight grip that seemed to be unrelenting. At first, he was horrified at the realization that someone was in his bed, but all in the same second he remembered that he wasn't actually in his own bed, but a hospital issued crappy foam mattress. To be exact, he wasn't laying on a bed..but a body. Keegan's well toned, firm body. He could make out the soft breathing and the comforting rise and fall of his chest. It all made him ease back into a lazy state, though his mind felt anything but. Logan never pictured revealing his feelings for Keegan in a hospital bed, and he most certainly didn't think the first time he'd sleep with him would be in the same exact bed, though it didn't have the same meaning he wanted. His skin flushed at the thought, he did promise to make Keegan sick of kissing in the morning.

He peeked his eyes open slowly, the room was barely lit and dim, but behind the closed curtains he could see the sun had risen, his breathing stilled as he gazed up and was met with the view of Keegan's chin and mouth, his closed lips pouted and full. There were still traces of dark face-makeup on him from the mission, though faded and grayed after a night's rest, rather, a few hours of sleep in the early morning hours. Even in his sleep Keegan looked guarded and armored, his protective grasp around the Logan's body proved this further. Logan lifted a careful hand off of Keegan's chest and touched the stubble on his jaw, Logan's fingers gingerly moved across the angles, the prickled skin was practically inviting him to brush his lips there once, so he does, then maybe once more. A low noise reaches his ears, Keegan grunts and tightens his grasp around Logan, somehow, even in barely woken state, avoided his bruised ribs, which hurt like hell. It was nothing Logan couldn't handle, Hell Weeks with dad were worse. Much. And in those times, he didn't have a gorgeous man to lay on. He'd take this over the alternative any day.

At last, Logan was greeted glacier blue eyes, and despite their tired appearance, were crinkled on the sides.

"Hmm...morning, kid." Keegan said, his was voiced laced with sleep, making it even more rasping and low, pooling warmth deep in his stomach.

"You're still here." Logan stated the obvious, a hand still rested on the edge of Keegan's jaw.

"You think I'd leave you? After I nearly got my ass kicked out of the building trying to get to you?" Keegan asked, staring down at him and quirking a smile that was so rare and warm, one he'd only seen flashed in his direction. He never took into account before that it meant something deeper, that he felt the same.

Logan yawned, the inhale made a knife sharp pain hit him in his injured ribs, he let out a quiet whoosh of air through a grimaced expression, he hid the pained look in the crook of Keegan's neck, the warm flesh tempting him once again, he kissed him once on either side of his adam's apple and moved back up, the moment of agony gone. Maybe he was a little worse off than he thought.

"Yeah, pretty stupid question." Logan said with a laugh, he was fighting the constant urge to kiss Keegan until his lips were bruised and swollen.

"I wouldn't say stupid..." Keegan whispered, his voice scratchy and low, vibrating Logan's body and pulling him in closer.

"It was a little stupid...at least 20% stupid."

"Then I 80% don't care if it was or wasn't, you're adorable." Keegan laughed throatily and kissed the top of Logan's head.

"You know that didn't make any sense, right Keegan?" Logan asked on the cusp of his own laughter.

"Hey, you can't expect me to make sense when I just woke up..."

Logan nodded, truth be told he wasn't sure if he himself made any sense...ever. He swept his eyes over Keegan's face, the older man's expression had softened significantly since he'd woken up, his brows were no longer pulled down in seemingly deep, unpleasant concentration, the corner of his mouth was curved upward, Logan traced the rounded point with his finger.

"Did you have a bad dream?" Logan questioned, his body memorized the impression of Keegan's hands digging into him, his ears replaying the sound of rough grunts and low speech.

"I - it's not really a dream, it's..a feeling I can't shake." Keegan murmured, his brows knit together just like in his sleep, the guarded look returned, now on his woken self.

Even though so much had been confessed, there was an lingering air of mystery misting its way around Keegan, Logan wondered if it'd always be like that. Would he be left wondering what was behind each frown that tugged at his lips, each lowering of his brows, and each crease between them? He wanted to uncover Keegan, more than literally, but peel away the layers, dive into the depths of his very being and learn the parts still hidden and uncharted by Logan.

Judging by Keegan's tense body language, Logan could sense that he didn't want to talk about it whatever 'feeling' it was that he couldn't shake. At least not in this moment. Logan smothered his budding curiosity and brought his hands up to Keegan's face again, stroking over his cheeks and knocking any and all troubling feelings from the older man's worn mind. It seemed effective, Keegan was lulled into peaceful state with muted thoughts at the touches from Logan, his eyes half closed in the comfort they brought.

"So...you and me?" Logan couldn't stop the question from leaving his mouth, his words and timing could be just as clumsy as he was, but he had to make sure that all of last night wasn't just a dream, no matter how lifelike this all felt.

Keegan's fingertips make contact with Logan's hair, to the pieces just around his ears. Oh, well that felt very real, he never felt something as real as Keegan's touch, he swallowed hard. Slowly, Keegan grazed his fingers down, feeling the side of his jaw. One thumb draws the line of his brows, another glides the straight firm bridge of his nose, unshaven cheeks are rough against his palms. It's like Keegan is mapping out every inch of his face, catching every detail like on the battlefield, nothing could escape his piercing arctic eyes.

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