Chapter 2 - It's All For Family

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Benjamin Jenkins is on repeat in my head. Matt has no reason to lie. That motherfucker is Jasmine's father. My son's grandfather! Standing from my seat, I fist Matt's t-shirt. Shaking him, I demand confirmation. "Are you fucking sure?"

Matt's head rolls backward. He's oblivious to his surroundings as the drug takes full effect. Those eyes refuse to remain open, and his body is limp. "He isn't capable of answering any questions," Petro states. Pulling up a seat, he focusses on Matt's face, advising, "He's in and out of consciousness, brain function, heart, and breathing have decreased." Pulling out a handkerchief, he wipes the dribble from the side of Matt's mouth.

Petro shakes his head; the sight of Matt is tearing him apart. "We grew up together. He's one of the good guys, or was. I don't recognize him." Sighing, he blows out a breath. "Growing up, he had no clue who his father was. Their mother never spoke of him, and she was too drug fucked to care. Most of the time, Matt and Jaz were either at my house or Mina's place."

Darting my eyes to my older brother, I plead, "Ben can't get to Jaz or my son, please."

"Do what you need to," Raffaele cuts me off. Turning to Petro, he orders, "You look after him. Tommy Sal, Mark, you boys are with us. The rest of you stay here." Clasping my shoulder, Raffaele gestures me to move.

Jasmine consumes my thoughts. She's going to be torn, gutted. Before I surface Matt to her, he needs to be clean, under no influence. Rubbing my face, I jump into the passenger seat while Raffaele roars the engine to life.

"What's Jaz going to think when she finds out her fiancé killed her father?" Tommy's curiosity piques as he and the other two boys slide into the back seat.

"Let's hope nothing of it. I'm not going to apologize. She will need to accept it," I respond.

That man is no father to her. I know him. I spent all my time in that fucking club, and Matt isn't wrong. The statement he made about Ben, that he would sell her to the highest bidder couldn't be more accurate. The last thing I want to do is break her heart; I love that woman. I don't see beyond her. Jaz and my son are my fucking everything. Without them, life isn't worth living, and I will do anything to keep them safe. There are no limits when it comes to them.

"Just a thought, but maybe keep this small detail to yourself," Sal grins.

"I don't lie to her, and I don't hide anything from her," I rebuke.

Raffaele turns to face me, a crooked smile curling of his lips. "I learned the hard way," he admits, his mind diving into his memories. Facing forward, he concentrates on the road.

I lean my head on the headrest. My hands unconsciously ball into fits. I know nothing about her brother; I can only assume and base my opinion on what I've heard from Petro and Jaz. Matt is an essential piece of my fiancé's life, and that's all that matters. Although I will remain cautious of him, for Jasmine's and my son's sake, I will help him and reunite them. Pulling up in front of the club, I unbuckle my seatbelt before Raffaele has a chance to kill the engine. Seizing my arm, he forces me to face him. "Is this your fight?"

"Yes!" Cocking a brow, I make it clear, "This isn't business. This is personal. It's my family. I deal with Ben."

Nodding, he releases his hold while stating, "Know one thing Stefano, your family is ours as well. You, Jaz, and your son."

I blow out a breath, "I'm learning-" suddenly, I'm at a loss for words. I've never had family; I've always been alone. Raffaele gawks, waiting for me to go on. "This isn't just about Jaz, it's about my past." Closing my eyes, I'm honest with all of them, "I'm trying to do this family thing. I want to. It's hard to let people in when I've spent a lifetime guarding myself."

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