abusive ex-boyfriend

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Words: 1175.

It was a normal day at Bondi Beach. Well, as normal as it could be. Me and Reidy were patrolling in the south corner in the rhino rescuing people left and right.
"Sentral tower to rhino, there's someone in the back, you need to get them" the radio said. "Reidy is going in" I said into the radio as I looked through the binoculars. I watched as Reidy paddled out  through the ruff surf. The waves were getting bigger as well as the crowds.
I was still drying of from my last rescue when Reidy came back to shore with a pale skinny man. I could hear them talking about something as I was watching the waters. I could see somebody whom had gotten stuck in the rip and was being pulled further out to sea with each passing second. I grabbed the radio telling the others that I was going in. Pulling of my shirt, jumping out of the rhino and sprinting into the water with the 0 kilo rescue board. I was paddling out through the high waves towards the man.
'He looks kind of familiar' I pushed the thought away, 'I need to rescue him first'. He had his face looking towards the ocean, away from me. "Hey! Grab on" I yelled at him once I got close enough.he came closer, still not looking at me. He reached for the board, but instead he grabbed my left arm. He turned his head, looking straight at me. Now I knew why I thought I recognized him. He was my ex! I started hyperventilating while trying to get my arm out of his grip. He didn't let go of me or the board.
He harshly pulled me of the board and into the water. The waves had gotten bigger and more dangerous than before. I could barely see my rescue board drifting away from me.

I was about to shout for help but I was  quickly pushed underwater. I couldn't breath and I could see dark spots starting to appear in my vision. My ex pulled me up,a but then just started hitting me in the face and head aswell as kicking me underwater. Each time he punched or kicked me I would get flashbacks to when I lived with him.
'I owe you!'
'You belong to me!'
'You're worthless!'
My vision was almost gone by the time I heard shouting. I was loosing my conciousness while he continued beating and drowning me. I could feel his hands being forced of me. I was sinking further and further down towards the ocean floor.
I opened my eyes and in between the dark spots i could see what looked like someone swimming towards me. I didn't know who it was, i couldn't tell. I could feel someone grap me. Suddenly i could feel air going through my lungs just as i completely lost consciousness.

Reidy pov:

I was talking to this pale man I had just rescued from the surf. He was actually a really nice guy. I could see y/n talking into the radio before getting into the water. I finished talking to him and went back to the rhino. I was watching the waters aswell as keeping an eye on y/n. There were miraculously nobody in the water so I decided to check up with the tower to see how y/n was doing in the big surf. Cause to me she looked like she froze.
"Rhino to tower, is something going on out there with y/n?"
"She doesn't look to good..." they said back. "Shit!" I heard as i looked back up to see y/n being pulled of the board. I grabbed the other rescue board as i tried to get to them. The waves had gotten taller and even though i didn't like tall waves, i would risk anything for my little sister.
I kept my eyes on them the whole time when I was able to see them through the breaks of the waves. I was furious when I saw the man trying to drown her on purpose, I could see how he was beating her up, and I just wanted to get to my little sister and save her. They were so far out so I tried to shout to get y/n attention and keep her focused.

I could see the water police boat comming closer as well as the jetski the others must have launched. Just as I got close enough so did the jetski with some officers on. I grabbed his hands so that he had to let go of her. The officers grabbed him and pulled him onto their boat. I broke the protocol to never leave your board by jumping into the water. I could see her sinking further down. I mustered all of my strength so that I could reach her and get and get us up.

She was barely breathing by the time I got her on the jetski. I was holding onto her and the matt. I could see kerrbox's angry face before he got us to shore. Most of the other lifeguards met us at the beach. I could easily carry y/n myself, and so I did.
I ran towards the others and put her down on a towel they had laid down. "Who was that out there?" Asked Jesse. "Y/n abusive ex-boyfriend" I said through gritted teeth. 'How dare he come back after my sister!!' I was so angry I could only watch as Harries put the oxygen mask on her and Deano putting her in the recovery position. Jesse and I could only watch cause I was to emotional to do anything good right now. She looked like she was gonna be alright when suddenly...

"She stopped breathing, she's got no pulse!" Shouted Hoppo.
I couldn't watch. I was so scared of what could happen to her. Even though she was my little sister, she always took care of me aswell as all of the other boys. She was always there when something happened, even when she was the one hurting.
Jesse was holding around me as we were watching them perform CPR. I just wanted to have her in my arms again.
They had already placed the pads from the heart starter on her and were now were giving her the first shock followed by the next. The ambulance people were running down the beach trying to get here as fast as possible. "Shock delivered, -checking pulse, please stand back" the machine said.
I was so close to crying and breaking down right then and there when it said "pulse detected" a huge relief was lifted off my shoulders and she was quickly taken to the hospital.

Y/n was quickly taken to the hospital accompanied by Reidy. For the next couple of days she was visited by all the boys in blue. Her ex-boyfriend was charged with attempted murder and was sent to jail.

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