Chapter 1: Reappearance

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Shekhar Kapoor was one of the most successful entrepreneurs who had moved to Rajkot from Mumbai, six months ago. After moving, he was looking for opportunities to invest and expand his base. Looking around for opportunities he came across various millennial projects but the one that he was interested in collaborating was with Abir Rajvansh. Being a software engineer himself, Shekhar took a lot of pride and interest in Abir's company. What also impressed him was how dedicated Abir was in giving back to the community in any manner he could through his NGO's.

While Abir handled his company, Mishti took over charge of handling the NGO. Hence, both Abir and Mishti had an opportunity to meet Shekhar for various projects. What they admired about Shekhar was even after so much experience in his field, he was open to new ideas and giving opportunities to new minds. He carried the same amount of enthusiasm like any young millennial. Not only that, he also made an extravagant donation towards the NGO when he learnt about the new project Mishti was working on. And in order to show their gratitude for his donation and support towards the NGO, Abir Mishti decided to invite him and his family over for dinner.

Mishti and Abir were looking over the arrangement throughout the day for the dinner party. They knew they didn't need to impress Mr Kapoor anymore. But they felt they did need to show gratitude for his generous donation and make him feel homely. Remaining members of the family also contributed in their ways and helped to make sure the arrangements were perfect for the night. Especially Meenakshi, who knew how much it meant to Abir and she didn't want to leave any stone unturned for him.

Everyone was ready and everything was set. All they were waiting was for the guest of honor to arrive. As the doorbell rang, Mishti rushed to open it, followed by other family members. Shekhar was standing by the door, holding a bouquet for the family. While Mishti folded her hands, Abir shook hands with Mr Kapoor and hugged him. Shekhar turned to introduce his 16 year old daughter, Mishri. Mishri waved her hands to the family. Shekhar then turned to introduce his wife who was standing behind him, trying to fix her outfit. As she turned around to introduce herself to the family, Mishti's excitement turned to shock. She felt as if someone had pulled the ground from beneath her feet.

"And that's my wife," said Shekhar, pointing towards Mrs Kapoor.

"Hello Aunty!" Abir greeted Mrs Kapoor.

"Oh just call me K! That would be preferred more" said Mrs Kapoor as she felt uncomfortable being addressed as Aunty. Abir started introducing everyone to the Kapoors. Mishti stood still. She kept staring at the woman. Nothing was audible to her. Nothing made sense to her. She kept staring at the ground, finding it hard to breathe. As Abir pointed towards Mishti to introduce her to Mrs Kapoor and Mishri, he had to call her out multiple times to get her attention. Mishti gave a weak smile and folded her hands to welcome them. Kapoors gladly accepted their welcome. Abir directed everyone towards the living room. While they headed towards the living room, Abir noticed Mishti was still standing in the same spot. He walked towards her. She seemed lost. Mishti jerked as Abir held her shoulders.. Abir was confused with her reaction and asked her if she was ok. Mishti nodded slightly and gave a weak smile.

"Umm! I will just help Parul Masi to arrange refreshments for everyone". Mishti rushed towards the kitchen. Abir wasn't sure if he should delve further into this. Nothing major had happened. There was no such fight between Kuhu and Mishti as well. At least after the resort incident, Abir had made sure that Kuhu and Mishti remained at arms length until their issues were sorted. Kunal and Abir had both given Kuhu a fair warning to mend her ways with Mishti. They were not really talking to each other after that but they weren't even fighting. He looked towards her in the kitchen again and she seemed fine. Abir decided to not delve further into this and talk to her once he is alone with her in their room. He went towards the living room to attend the guests.

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