We'll Always Be Together

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This oneshot is loosely inspired by the song 'If The World Was Ending' by JP Saxe and Julia Michaels. Disclaimer : Nothing to do with with the corona virus. Also inspired by Grease, not that I love the movie, I just remember some of it, and the three million times Glee did it.

Shayne was in his apartment, content with himself. It was a Saturday, and he'd already done everything he needed to do for the entire weekend. He'd worked out twice already, although he'd probably do that again tomorrow anyways, he'd cleaned his whole apartment, gotten groceries and written a script for an upcoming sketch they had planned.

He was sat on his couch, reading a book, his phone plugged into an outlet and resting on a table. Suddenly, a loud ringing filled his ears, his phone screen lighting up and displaying a familiar face. He closed his book and quickly unplugged his phone, tapping the small green answer button and holding the device to his ear. Ian's voice was full of worry, sadness peppering his tone, him sniffling a few times whilst he explained the situation. There was deep rooted anger in his words, not directed at Shayne of course.

Shayne said goodbye and hung up, holding his phone over his chest and letting out a long exhale of anxiety. Then, the panic of the situation settled in and his first instinct was to get to the office as quickly as possible, so he grabbed a backpack, slid his phone in his pocket and found his keys, leaving his apartment, then the parking lot and driving down the busy street to the all too familiar building.

Meanwhile, Courtney was in a similar situation to Shayne, before the phone call. But that was soon about to change. Already scrolling through her phone, Sarah's name flashed up on her screen and Courtney quickly answered.

One depressing and hurried conversation later, Courtney was up and off the sofa, not bothering to apply makeup, trying not to sob and making her way to work.

Shayne burst through the wooden doors, seeing the whole cast and crew running around frantically, puffy eyed and red cheeked, carrying multiple bags, trying not to break precious and expensive equipment but also trying to get it out to their cars as soon as possible. He ran to his desk and packed up all his stuff, then jogged down to Games to find Damien.

"Hey man, how are you holding up?" he asked, finding his best friend doing what he had been doing seconds earlier, stuffing all of his shit into a bag.

"I don't know, Shayne, I mean, this is all so sudden, absolutely no warning, now it's like you've got an hour and a half to get your shit out before the building's locked up and some real estate crap bag comes to take the place," Damien sighed, running a hand through his brunette-blue hair.

"I know, this company's always been shit, I don't know why Ian and Anthony settled for those assholes in the first place," Shayne replied, anger clouding his mind.

"Yeah, agreeing without being rude to Ian and Anthony, but I get it," he agreed, zipping up his bag. The two guys shared a hug, then went their separate ways, each of them going to a different room to see if there was anything else they could help with.

At that moment, Courtney reached the office and was already a wreck, streams of sadness blurring her vision and running down her cheeks. She passed Olivia, Keith and Noah, all packing their stuff up, then found her own desk and packed her own stuff up. She couldn't bare to look at any of her friends for fear of breaking down even more, and for fear of seeing them like this, knowing it could all be over. Dashing to Ian's office with a bag full of personal items, she pushed open the door to see the small room trashed, Ian looking out the window, holding a small picture frame.

"Hey Ian," she sniffed, wiping her face and walking up behind him.

"Hey Court Bourt," he sighed, placing the photo down on the desk and slapping on a fake smile.

𝐡𝐨𝐨 𝐡𝐨𝐨 - 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now