Getting used to this

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Neither Peter or Gamora could get themselves to look at the team. It was just a lot of awkward silence until it was interrupted by Rocket.

"It's about god" Rocket said annoyed

"This idiot was moping over you for so long and missing you and it was just getting sad to look at. He didn't eat or drink anything heck he barely got out of his room that's when he finally asked that doctor dude to see if we could bring you back."

Gamora didn't know what to say she just looked at Peter and he gave Rocket the death stare.

"I am so happy for you guys" Mantis said excitedly

"I am Groot"

"He says you better not break her heart" Rocket said in a stern voice

"Congratulations" Drax said

"So you guys are okay with us" Gamora asked hesitantly

Everyone just nodded at her in agreement

"See I told you it would be fine"

"Yeah we pretty much already knew it's not like you guys don't make it obvious" Rocket said with a smirk

Gamora just walked out with Peter trailing behind her. They went back to there room Peter walked in and then Gamora shut the door behind him.

"Well that went great right" He said happily

"Um yeah...yeah it did" She said reluctantly

"Hey are you okay" Peter asked with concern in his voice

Gamora just stared at him for a second "Is it true...what Rocket said that you didn't eat or drink anything and you hardly came out of your room when I was dead" Gamora asked becoming very concerned

"Ohhhh...ummm I don't want to talk about that" Peter said not wanting to look at her

"Peter please talk to me"

Peter just looked at her hesitantly. This was a very tough subject for him to talk about because he was not proud of what he had become after Gamora had died. Gamora grabbed his hands and sat him down on the bed. She stared directly into his loving green eyes waiting for him to say something.

"Yeah it's true. Gamora I love you so much. You are my best friend and now my girlfriend even though you weren't at the time. I missed you so much and it wasn't one of those situations where I couldn't just wait for you to come back because I knew you were dead. I no longer had the one person I could depend on all the time. The one person I could talk to about anything. You were just gone...there were nights where I would just cry all night and never go to bed wishing you were there with me. There were even moments where I thought about killing myself just so I could be with you. I just felt like I couldn't live with myself anymore I felt like if there was anything at all that could bring you back I would do it. So I had asked Doctor Strange and he told us how to do it I was ready to die for you the moment he said it but then Nebula offered and she was very content on being the one to do it. I didn't want her to hurt me so I just let her. The day I got you back was the best day of my life I finally ate and drank something for the first time in forever. I finally came out of my room more frequently all because I had you back in my life. I couldn't be happier right now knowing that you are here and that you are alive and I will never ever let anyone lay a finger on you ever again. I promise because I love you so much."

At this point Gamora couldn't hold back the tears that were threatening to fall out of her eyes. Peter just grabbed her face and wiped her tears away.

"Peter I love you more anything...I would hate to see you like that I want you to promise me you will never do that again" Gamora said trying really to keep herself from crying

"I promise, because your the only one who could ever put me in that situation again and I know you never will"

At this point Gamora just grabbed Peter's face and gently placed her lips on his. She never wanted to pull away. She wanted this moment to last forever. But eventually Peter had to breathe so they pulled apart.

"Hey, you know what we can watch Footloose right now if you want" He says as he was using him thumbs to wipe the tears from Gamora's eyes

"I'd like that" Gamora gave Peter one last quick kiss before Peter got up and turned on the movie.

Gamora rested her head on Peter's shoulder with her arm laid out across his chest as she reached for his hand and intertwined their fingers. Peter gently placed a kiss to the top of Gamora's head that caused a smile to form on her lips. Gamora knew there would be a lot more obstacles in there relationship especially with the team but she knew no matter what her and Peter could get through it. Gamora knew in that moment as she watched Kevin Bacon flip his hair dramatically while she was holding Peter's hand snuggling into him that they would be together forever and she wouldn't have it any other way.

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