Telling the team

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It had been a couple of weeks since Gamora and Peter started dating. Peter had cleaned up his entire ship really well to Gamora's surprise and he was becoming much more organized. Everything was where it was supposed to be in the ship and his room is very clean and organized now to the point where Gamora actually doesn't mind sleeping in there anymore. He also never eyes up any other girl or really talks to any female anymore except Gamora and technically Mantis. Peter would most of the time hold Gamora's hand in public while they were walking or even wrap his arm around her shoulders. Peter has gotten Gamora to dance with him a couple times now that she finally agreed to it. Peter knows she actually secretly likes dancing with him a lot even if she acts like she doesn't like it. Peter had put his first condition into full activation he would always kiss Gamora on the cheek when he woke up. He likes to think of his way of saying Good Morning to her. He would give her a quick peck on the lips before they both fell asleep or you know make out with her a little. Other times he would just steal a kiss from her while they are going on a supply run and stuff like that. So overall their relationship was going really well they hadn't even had their first fight yet.

There was just one thing left that they had to do but Peter knew he wasn't allowed to do it because Gamora told him she had to do it.

No one on the team had figured out they were together yet. They were always very careful to always act like friends when someone else was in the room but it was getting increasingly difficult. Peter had been really close to Gamora and rubbing her arms up and down as she smiled at him enjoying his actions when Rocket walked in. They both immediately jumped away from each and he started to get suspicious. Things like this would happen a lot and everyone on the ship was getting suspicious of them. So Peter knew it was probably time to tell them he just had to talk to Gamora about it.

Peter woke up that morning realizing Gamora was still asleep so like every morning he propped himself up on his elbow and planted a soft and gentle kiss on her cheek that woke up her up. Peter was still propped up on his elbow watching Gamora as her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at Peter and smiled. Peter then laid back down on the bed as Gamora turned to face Peter. She placed a quick kiss on his lips.

"Good Morning" She said in a soft voice

"Good Morning beautiful"

"How did you sleep" He asked

"Good" She responded to him moving a piece of hair out of his face and letting her hand slide down his cheek

"Good" He waited a couple minutes before saying something again

"You know I think it's probably time you tell the team about us especially since they are already on to us anyways." Peter said reluctantly

"I don't know Peter I mean I want to tell them but I scared of what they will think about it and how it will affect them. I also still want to be the one to tell them."

"I know you told me you wanted to tell them but when your about to say it I will hold your hand or something to show that we're not just joking. Besides I think they will be happy for us" Peter said trying to lean Gamora to his side of the conversation

"I guess your right there have been way to many instances where we have almost been caught especially when we were kissing and Mantis almost saw us as she walked by. Thank god we noticed her first."

"I think we should get dressed and get ready and then we should just call them all down and tell them" Peter said excitedly


Gamora could not lie she was extremely nervous about telling the team because this was one of the reasons she was hesitant about dating Peter in the first place. She was afraid about what the team would think. She knew Peter was right though and they had to tell them because they had let this go on for way too long. Her and Peter both reluctantly got out of bed after cuddling for a little bit. They both got dressed and Peter called everyone down to the kitchen. Everyone finally made it down to the kitchen. It took forever because Rocket refused to come down just because he didn't want to.

"What do you d'ast idiots want" Rocket said as he was being dragged by Groot into the kitchen

"Okay so Gamora has something she would like to tell you guys" Peter said looking at a Gamora

Gamora looked back up at Peter for reassurance and he just mouthed to her that everything was going to be okay.

"So...umm I have something to tell you guys and I don't want you guys to freak out or make it that big of a deal" She paused before speaking again

" and Peter-" She was was about to say it when she was interrupted by the feeling  of Peter grabbing her hand and intertwining his fingers with hers.

"Are you going to tell us" Drax said getting impatient

Mantis, Groot, and Rocket all looked at Drax before looking back at Peter and Gamora

"Me and Peter"

The Unspoken thing: A little bit more spokenWhere stories live. Discover now