My Heart is Torn: A One Direction Fanfic

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Hi guys (: so this is my first fanfic and my friend, who will also help me write this, persuaded me to write a One Direction one so yay! So I hope everyone enjoys it and we will update as much as we can! (:


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

"Finally!" My friend Zach said as we walked out of school. It was finally summer, time to hit the beach, hang out with friends, and just not care. But of course with my luck my mom was dragging me to London with her for the entire summer! Which of course means no friends - or life. The only reason I'm going with her is because she bribed me with a shopping spree once we get settled in. My mom was only going because her work required her to, funny thing is I'm not even sure what she does."Paisley?" Zach asked. Up until then I realized I wasn't even listening to what he was saying.

"Sorry, I guess I just got caught up in my thoughts." Was all I could say. I just can't keep my mind off of what this summer might be like.

We walked to my house and I was still daydreaming about what London might be like. When we reached my house I snapped out of it. "So are you going to the party tonight?" He asked.

"I can't I have to pack, my flight leaves at 6 AM."

"Oh, well I hope you have a safe flight! Text me later?"

"Duhh." We both laughed.

When I got inside I saw my mom was just finishing up packing. I said "Hi." and went straight to my room to make sure i get everything packed.

Maybe there will be some cute guys there... I thought to myself. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I had light brown wavy hair that fell below my shoulders, and big blue eyes. I had a decent body; I'm not fat or too skinny. I shook my head, focus. I packed few shirts and tank tops, shorts and jeans, dresses, and shoes. I didn't pack that many clothes because I was expecting to get a lot out of this shopping spree my mom promised me.

"Paisley, honey?" I heard my mom call from downstairs.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Make sure you get some sleep we have to be at the airport by 4 AM."

"Okay!" I said quickly. I finished packing and went straight to sleep making sure to set my alarm.


Okay first chapter done (: I'm trying to plan out this book, and I'm liking were it's going :D Next chapter will be better because she will be in London.

Sorry it's short I wanted the next xhapter to be when she arrives in London. I'll make the next chapter longer I promise! :D

Anywho I hope you're enjoying it so far (: x

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