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Then, he stopped falling as his hoodie tightened around his throat and he choked.

The Creepers who hads been chasing him, jumped down the hole after him, but weren't so lucky as they hit the ground, only puffs of gunpowder remaining.

The redhead smiled, realizing his plan was mostly successful.


Suddenly there was a metallic noise and the small boy looked behind him just in time to see a piston shoot out from the side of the cave wall, and then he was falling again into a dark hole in the ground.

Until, he landed on something soft and bounced up and down until he stopped all together. Sitting up slowly and rubbing his head, he realized that the room he was in was pitch dark.


There was no answer.

And then, there was the sound of quick footsteps. The redheads yellow eyes widened in fear and his hand flew to his waist to retrieve his stone sword, but it wasn't there. He looked at his dim surroundings in a panic.

"YOU BETTER ANSWER ME! O-Or else I'll hurt you!!, he said nervously.

In the back of the room, two glowing red eyes appeared, making the redhead yelp in fear. Then, footsteps began to get closer and closer...

"N-NO PLEASE DONT HURT ME!", the redhead said, resorting to a fetal position, hands over his head and trembling. His eyes were shut tight.

But nothing came and he opened his eyes to see gray. Gray and white. Something was reaching towards him.

The boy yelled, sitting back and the gray figure fell to the floor in shock. When he realized the figure wasn't there anymore, he slowly crawled to the edge of the platform and looked over the edge.

His eyes widened, as he took in the sight of the creature in front of him. It was a It was gray on their head and tail white as snow. It was a bit dirty, and they wore a pink flower on their head, but, that wasn't the most stunning thing about it.

That title belonged to it's eyes.

It's eyes were a bright glowing ruby red.

As the cat stood up, the human boy realized how small he was compared to it. And how skinny.

"Hi?", the redhead boy said cautiously, as the cat stood up and stepped back a bit. The human looked around him and squinted his eyes.

Contraptions, Traps and Puzzle galore. Everything in this hole was a master redstoners dream. As he looked to the top of the hole, he saw the daylight above, shining on him and the cat.

"Did...Did you do all this yourself?"

The cat looked to the side nervously and then nodded. The human boy tilted his head and smiled, getting closer. Noticing, the gray cat's eyes widened.

"Wow! Your really really smart aren't you?! Do you live here yourself?"

The gray cat nodded again. The redhead slid off the soft platform, where he had landed and stood up next to the small cat.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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