How Long Will I Love You?

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One week.

One entire week had passed without Emma and Theo talking to each other. Emma's regret of what she said was increasing with each passing second. She'd tried calling him multiple times but each time Theo answered he quickly stated that he was busy and hung up.

Anger was slowly seeping into her sadness. How could he not even let her make up for what she said, or explain it properly? One fight and he gives her the silent treatment? Emma had blocked everyone out- not talking to anyone except the customers at work. She was so entrenched in her own mind.

It was the eve of her birthday- and as what has been a routine for the past week, Emma shut herself in her room calling Theo. 

Emma remembered when she was younger she never got much sleep the night before her birthday. Her excitement always prevented sleep. Now it seemed that she was incapable of it still, but for an entirely different reason. Around midnight, she wished herself a happy birthday and soon after drifted off into a light snooze.

She awoke the next morning to her older brother practically catapulting himself onto her with her parents quietly singing the annoying tune behind. 

'Ugh, what time is it?' Emma grumbled, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. 

'About 9. Happy 18th, sweetheart.' Her mum said.

'Why so early?'

'Just so your special day is longer.' Arthur sweetly said, knowing fully well how agitated his sister was in the mornings.

'Thanks guys, but I don't feel like celebrating.' Emma stated, lying back down in bed.

'Well, why don't you have breakfast and then we can decided what to do.' Her mum suggested, with a hopeful look in her eyes that Emma couldn't bear to diminish.

'Ok, I guess.' And so Emma went along with all the celebrations that her parents had planned- the enormous breakfast, the balloons, the picnic lunch. She was trying her hardest to be grateful and appreciate all the effort that they had put in, but all she could think about was how everything paled into comparison when Theo still hadn't spoken to her. By lunch time, though, it seemed that the festivities had ended which Emma was relived about. She never thought that she would be this miserable on her 18th birthday. Maybe Theo really had affected her life so deeply that she couldn't even function happily without him. She didn't think that was healthy. Emma must have spent hours pondering and overthinking in her room that day.

Out of boredom, Emma checked her phone, unsurprised by the amount of texts she had wishing her a happy birthday. Ever since she had been linked to Theo, people who she hadn't spoken to since year 7 were now getting in touch. Her social media was no differed, except she even had a few random people wishing her a happy birthday. How was this normal?

Emma was pondering what to do about everything when her door opened. It was Art.

'Hey Ems, Char texted me to tell you to meet her at 'South West's' - she says she has a surprise for you.' Art quickly stated before leaving again. 

Emma internally groaned at the idea of leaving her safe room but got up anyway.

When she arrived at the shop, it was just past closing time. The high street was practically empty but the evening was warm. Emma felt a wave of tranquility pass through her as she stepped into the business.

'Char? Are you here?' Emma called out, stepping further in. The light from the front windows were the only light source and Char was no where to be found. The room was quiet, like no one was there. Emma wondered if Art had been lying when all of a sudden she heard guitar strums.

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