What a Time For You and I

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'Dogs, for sure' Emma replied seriously, sensing the serious nature of the question from the concentrated expression on Max's face. At her answer, his face changed into one that Emma could only compare to an innocent child, with the biggest grin spreading over his face.

'You've got a keeper Theo.' Max declared as he propped his feet up on the coffee table and put his arm over the backs of Theo's and Emma's shoulders, looking completely at ease. Emma felt that regardless of the situation, Max would be able to make a friend out of anyone, he was like if happiness was a person, no one could not like him.

'So, I'm guessing the master plan worked then.' Harry said as he came into the room, ice cream in hand. 

'No, he rejected me.' Emma sarcastically replied. 'Bit awkward.' She continued on with a straight face until Harry couldn't keep a straight face and soon both dissolved into giggles.

'Why do I get the idea that this is not going to end well for me. I don't like it, now I have two people to gang up on me.' Theo complained, pouting slightly. Emma in response, leaned over Max to peck him on the lips. 

'Ewww, guys cool it on the PDA please.' Max complained, breaking them apart.

'I'm in my own house, Max.' Theo replied, rolling his eyes slightly.

'But still..' Harry chimed in, adding a slight whine to his tone, stamping his foot.

'It's like I'm friends with two year olds, I swear.' Theo muttered.

Emma relaxed in the sofa, thinking that Char and Arthur would get on well with these guys, as she watched their verbal bickering turn into hand slaps. 

'How about a movie?' Emma suggested, turning the TV on, effectively capturing the attention of all 3 boys. 

'Yeah, sounds good, Spiderman Homecoming?' Max suggested.

'I think we're soul mates Max,' Emma stated selecting the movie. 

Snacks were soon brought out, and comfy positions on the floor were established so that a couple of hours later, when the movie was finished, Emma found herself sprawled out over Harry, under Max and her her head on Theo's chest. All of them were snoring slightly, she guessed being on the road made them able to fall asleep anywhere.

Before she could even think of what life must be like on tour, her phone chimed with a text- a reminder. For her train home. Which was leaving in forty minutes.

'Fuck. I have to go. Theo wake up!!! Max get off me you fatso! Guys come on my train!.' Emma urged, a sense of panic in her voice waking up the sleeping bandmates. 

'What? Dude how are you so heavy? You're like an elephant, geez.' Theo stated, trying to remove Harry from himself.

'Emma what's going on?' He questioned as he saw the girl in question run about the house, picking up all of her things and shoving them in a bag.

'I'm late, T, I have to go to the station.' She replied quickly, her voice going higher at the end from stress. 

'Oh shit, come on guys, get off me, we need to take Emma to Waterloo.' 

After rapid scrambling from everyone, miraculously they were out of the door in 10 minutes. 

'Ok, game faces men, I have to be on the train in 30 minutes, can you get me there?' Emma questioned as she was hustled outside. The boys only smirked,

'Oh little Emma, do you doubt us?' Harry stated as he stepped aside to reveal a flash car.

All of them piled into the small car, as soon as the last seatbelt was on Theo drove like a racer driver- insanely, so that they were as near to the station as they could be. Once parking was sorted and Emma had calmed her heart after thinking she was going to die in the car, as if on sync, the boys put on their respective hats and sunglasses. Even making a routine of it by striking some movie poster pose.

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