Chapter 5 ~ Living Hell

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I'm so sorry that I had not updated in months but I've been really busy and things kept pissing me off and I just couldn't write a love story when I'm freaking pissed. Well yeah sorry again and promise I will do more frequent updates from now

Recap :

~ Aiden ~

I walked into class and Josh looked like he was going to kill me, everyone took their seats and Ally wasn't here today. 

" Does anyone know why Alice isn't here?" Josh raised his hand

" Ally is in a fucking coma because some fucking douche broke up with her for his job" Josh snarled, eveyrone gasped, Josh was never the type of guy to do that 

" What?"

" She went for a ride last night and her vision blurred and she crashed, she's in a coma, Blake, Adam and Justin and Me are going to beat the living shit out of that douche tonight" He smirked, I closed my eyes, she's in a coma, because of me, I did this..........

Chapter 5 ~ Living Hell

It's been a month since Ally has been in a coma, I feel horrible I can't sleep, eat or do anything. I teach at my best but everything still seemed wrong to me. Justin and the team did beat the shit out of me that night and I let them, I even cried. Yes, I, Aiden Flynn cried in front of my team because my girlfriend is in a coma. Every night I would sit by her like right now and grabbed her hand and plead to her. I hope she will forgive me, I hope she will let us become us again, I miss her.

" Please Ally, wake up, I miss you, I'm sorry, I know what I did was wrong but I had my choice I did it for you not me.... I wanted the best for you and I thought 3 months with out you was better than never seeing you again right? Please" I cried and cried.

" Hey, you should go home and get some sleep before work tomorrow...." I heard Justin say I shook my head and sniffled

" I called in sick, I can't take it, I did this to her....this was all my fault" I cried out 

" Yes, it is but also you did it for the best. Who would've known she would go out and drive and get into a accident... Just get it together and when she wakes up show her how much you love her" I never thought about love....Never believed in it, but I'm not sure if this feeling I have for this girl is called love or not

" I'm not sure if I love her..." I whispered " But I care greatly about her, I never even cared about someone this much" He sighed, and tapped me on the back and spoke

" Think about it, do you love her or not, don't break her again" He walked out and I sighed, deciding on that I needed my mother's advice I called her. 

" Hi sweetie" I heard her voice say

" Hi mom" She sighed

" What's wrong?" She knew me so well

" I don't know if I love this girl but she's been in a coma for a month " She gasped " And I've been feeling worse and worse everyday knowing that it was basically my fault..."

" Well how was it your fault and who is this girl to you?"

" I broke up with her....and she's my student, and neighbor" My mom gasped

" She's your student?" 

" Yes"

" Well if you would risk everything for her there must've been a connection between you two and ask yourself, do you love her. What do you loke about her? And would you risk and spend everyday of your life with her?" I thought about. I loved her smile, eyes, dimples, glasses, butt, everything. I loved everything about this girl. I would walked a thousand miles for her, I would risk my job for her, I can imagine us living together with our own kids. A son and a daughter and maybe more... I smiled to myself 

" Mom I love you so much! I know now my true feelings" 

" Bye sweetie wish you and her the best luck" I hung up and leaned over Ally 

" I love you" I whispered and kissed her lips softly. Turning around to walk to the bathroom with the sudden urge to pee I felt a hand wrapped around my wrist. I turned around and saw Ally's eyes bright open and watery. She try to say something but she couldn't, I knew I had to give her water.

~ Alice ~

I heard whispering and knew instantly it was Aiden's voice. I tried to crack my eyes open for the millionth time like I had been doing for however long I was engulfed in this darkness. I didn't have the strength until I heard three iimple words, I know corny right?


I heard him whisper and kiss me, my eyes popped open and i saw him walking away my first instinct was to grab his hand, he turned around and gave me a dazzling smile. I tried to tell him that I thought I loved him too but then again I'm not sure if I do. I just sat there and he gave me water...

" Mr.Flynn..." His eyes shone with hurt

" Aiden, call me Aiden, I know this is wrong but still I love you, you hear that Alice I love you and no one else." I teared up 

" How long have I've been asleep?" 

" One month" He sighed

" Oh....ummm...." I was shocked 

" Give me another chance please?"

" I don't hurt me so much and I can't go through that again' He sighed, 

" Please I will prove myself to you" He cried out, he is really crying and it hurt me so much. I nodded 

" Ok, but please don't hurt me again" I whispered, he nodded and hugged me....please tell me nothing will go wrong from now


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