The Sea Stirs

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4 Years after the war...

In a underwater palace, somewhere in the deep seas. Where normal people believed that this place, had disappeared forever, stood a magnificent kingdom. Houses, buildings, schools, everything a kingdom would need it was there.

Mer-Man Soldiers patrolled the edges of the kingdom, kids played around in the schools. It was a very nice day for the magnificent place known as Atlantis.

Everyone had fish scales in some places around their bodies, gills and some had fins. The soldiers were well built and each either had a trident or a sword. Atlantis looked peaceful, it shined with a purple hue thanks to the forcefield that surrounded it. In the middle of the kingdom stood a Palace that overlooked the entire Kingdom, behind it stood a statue. There stood The God of The Sea holding a golden trident, Poseidon.

Inside this Palace one could hear an argument going on. Each voice would echo through out the halls, everyone acted as if it wasn't happening. A woman walked back and forward inside a room, her wavy blond brown hair and blue eyes made her look as beautiful as a shining pearl, she wore a deep blue and green dress that had corals and seashells all around. You could tell she was in a bad mood.

On the back was a big throne. Drawings of dolphins and every single sea animal adorned the room, the throne made with every coral and anyother high end materials only found under the ocean. On it sat a man with Black wavy hair, deep sea green eyes, his body built, a beard that any man would be jealous of, and a golden trident rested on his left hand, while his right hand was on his face as he slowly rubbed his temple.


"Amphitrite, enough of this please. We are in a time of peace. There really is no need to try and look for anything that might instigate a fight!" I said trying to calm down my wife. No matter what she brings this up almost every day.

She scoffed and pointed at a man that stood on the stairs, "Your SON Triton got Beat up by Jason Grace that vile spawn of Zeus!" as she finished her sentence the water trembled, Thunder could be heard far away.

I looked up and shook my head dissatisfied, "You know that the reason he got beat up, was because he though he could go and try to charm Ms. McLean... Aphrodite's Daughter. Jason is her Boyfriend and the son of my brother. To top it all Triton here tried to use my name as a warning, and Jason even disregarded everything as to not offend his best friend Percy and Me. But Triton bad mouthed Him, Percy and Piper. Jason didn't take that so lightly and now here we are. Triton 5 years of imprisonment in your room. If you dont change in the amount of time given then I will personally take care of your punishment" I Said with a firm tone, I was disappointed in my own son.

Triton looked like he wanted to say something, but Aphrodite cursed his vocals. So not even I can cure him. He is going to deal with it, until she forgives him, or he himself asks for forgiveness.

Amphitrite did not take that so easily. She gasped and walked toward her son. "Have you gone weak?.... treating your own family like this?, Triton deserves to have anything he wants. hmph!!, You really are just an old man... Watch your back." She said while turning around and walking out of the throne room. I looked up to her and felt my anger slowly rise, the earth began to shake, you could tell that she started to panic for running her mouth, but I took a deep breath to calm down, and everything came back to normal. I walked towards one of the Balconies overlooking Atlantis.

"I swear this lady will kill me with just these headaches..." I looked out towards the retreating back of my wife and son.

Why must my own son act so spoiled, if this lady wouldn't pamper him so much, he could have been a perfect prince... well in a way. Even his accomplishments don't come even close to Perseus.... unfortunately Perseus is not interested in any of this... it would be nice to have him here. But I get to see him here and there on his trips to Olympus with Athena's Daughter. But still not enough.

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