Betrayal To The Soul

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To What end must I walk to find happiness... "Even after everything I have done, for all of you." I looked around, I couldn't believe that my own flesh and blood would betray me so easily over money. If I knew something like this would happen, then there wouldn't have been a need to protect these fools. My whole life has been a lie, it's no wonder they kept me with grandfather the whole time, not letting me practice the trade with the rest of the family.

"Grandfather... you said I was going to be your successor..." I looked at the 80-year-old man with a sadness and hatred that was beginning to emerge, the one who raised me... always told me that I was destined for great things.

Grandfather walked towards me and tried to put his hand on my shoulder, but I pushed it away, I could see the greed in his eyes "It's complicated Gio... You weren't a planned subject... more of an accident." He said smiling while rubbing his hands together. "I know it's a lot to take in, but you did so much for our family. Your idea brought money and fame... but now..." Before he could finish someone interrupted him.

"But now your usefulness has run out Son." Said my so-called Father Head of the family. He walked forward extending his hand, "Give me the USB and the Fossil Egg. Then we can be on our way. And don't worry, you can leave afterwards I promise." He walked closer to me, I kept backing up, closer and closer to the edge of the building. "Are you willing to die just for that? It's just a fossil and a piece of plastic, we are in a 30-story building... You will not survive the fall hahaha". My father's laughter was taken by the rushing wind.

"So much for 'Family'... This fossil and this USB's AI are my Life's work. I have done everything to grow this company, and to this day, it was thanks to me that everyone here is living the high life. You always told me playing those video games would make me a loser, someone who wouldn't have a future. But that directed me towards my Sensei, Ichimaru... which after some time I learned about archeology and Technology.... This company grew because of me, I don't OWE anything to any of you and now" I walked backwards step by step nearing the edge, I could see, in their faces the despair.

I smiled and looked down at my two most precious things, The USB and the fossil egg... it took me years of research and digging to find the egg. "No matter what, I will protect you. I never wanted money, fame, a big house... I wanted a family." I said while looking at the egg smiling, "You were born without a family too... and left for dead. But I'm not leaving you, not to these people. I know it's selfish that I'm going to jump and take you with me... I'm sorry." I put the USB in my mouth and swallowed it, then I jumped off the edge, everyone dashed towards me, my Father turned his body almost catching my legs, He wore an ugly face of anger. I smiled and closed my eyes; I could feel the wind rushing by my ears. I hugged the fossil and prayed to whoever watches us in the sky.

"If only.... I was born in another place, just like those people in the manga, yeah that would have been nice, and you Egg... hopefully YOU can find peace in another place, you are a fossil that no one can't figure out. I promised to protect you when Ichimaru sensei gave you to me, and now look at me..." I felt tears going down my face, the wind took them, I counted as I fell to my death. But after sometime I didn't die.

I opened my eyes and couldn't see anything it was dark, I noticed that I didn't have the egg no more and also, I felt different in a way... but I was still falling.

"So... this is what it feels to be dead. Weird thing, falling none stop, maybe it's hell?" I laughed at myself and kept falling, accepting that this is my fate.

"Don't Give Up" said a young voice in the darkness. I looked around me, but I couldn't see anything.

"Don't give up... Gio" Said the voice again, sounding closer than before.

"Why are you talking to me... I'm a failure... a nobody... cursed to be alone forever." I could feel a piercing pain inside of my brain.

"No... You saved me... When you found me in the mountain".

Oh so this voice is that fossil egg me and Sensei found in the mountains of China.... Mount Tai for prosperity and peace... yeah we were doing research on the Ancient story of the dragons... "That's when I felt someone calling me and after an hour of digging I found you. But you were a Fossil... even as an egg... how are you talking to me?"

"I was never dead, just asleep, But I was going to die either way. But after seeing you I felt a connection to you bigger than anything, Dragons are beings born from primordial magic that are more ancient than anything alive or anything that used to be alive...." The voice had a sad tone.

"When I was an egg My family was attacked by another Pantheon or groups of gods. My father and Mother locked me in this egg before I was supposed to be born, so they could teleport me, but the temple was destroyed along with my entire family although I call it a Clan... that was 300 trillion years ago, those gods destroyed the world, in that mess there was a Spatial storm and I was sucked into ends of darkness... then I Appeared in the planet you called Earth. That world was slow to develop and that's when the creatures you call dinosaurs came out and then primates and all of that stuff until now."

"Hold on... you are 300 trillion years old? I though the planet wasn't even that old. Never mind that, you can talk!!"

"Amazing to hear that the only thing that surprises you is that I can speak." The dragon chuckled.

I took a moment to calm down and process the information about this dragon. After I calmed down, I asked it one question. "Am I still alive?"


"I knew it... So why speak to me?" I asked it.

"Because I am willing to sacrifice everything to give you another chance at living again and..." It grew quiet. After some time I felt restless. "and?..." I asked.

"Get vengeance for me... if you do manage to arrive at the place I'm trying to get you at, then maybe.... just maybe you will get the best chance at growing strong and destroying them... I'll be able to give you the life you deserve. I saw what you went through... It pained me seeing you like that, even after they treated you so badly, in the end you loved them, your family betrayed you for greed, and you loved them either way, because even if it hurts you, as long as everyone is happy you prefer to suffer." I was speechless for quite some time, to think it knew me so much, not even my grandfather knew me this much. I could feel the love and care this dragon felt for me. And also, I am dead so what the heck.

"Ok I'm in." I said smiling.

"Heh... you have always been a weird one. Very well. My name was never given to me by the Elders as it should have been, it was given to me by my Mother and Father, the Primordial Dragon King and Queen of the Azure world. My name is Ryūjin or Ryōjin龍神, which also in Japan I was called Ōwatatsumi, Means Dragon God. And it shall be embedded within your soul from now on. All my memories of how to be a Primordial dragon will be passed down to you as they were to me by my parents. My soul, my power, my everything will become yours as in being reborn into a dragon itself.... Thank you Gio for protecting me to the end and giving me the best 15 years of my entire life."

"Wait I got so many questions!!" My vision which was black turned white, then blue. And silence followed suit...

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