Chapter 4

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On Sunday, I woke up bright and early. Stretching, I stroked Phoenix before getting up and whisking my white curtains open. Rain. Coming down in buckets. I squealed, and rushed to my closet. I quickly opened the door, and stepped in. I scrolled my eyes over my winter riding attire, before landing on an adorable pair of Devon-Aire burgundy breeches, a white long sleeved Kerrits riding shirt, and a brown leather belt. After quickly throwing my hair into a long braid down my back, I pulled on my zebra Zocks and Ariat working tall boots,  and put the girls in a group MMS, as we all had iPhones.

Char: Hey ladies! Ready to practice for tryouts tomorrow?

Almost immediately, Sara texted back, followed by the others.

Sara: Lacey and I are about to pull in, putting in the code now.

Lacey: ^^what she said lol

Abby: About to leave! See you all in five.

I quickly jumped off my bed, grabbed a carrot for Wisp, nd sprinted out to the barn. I took about 3 minutes to get to the barn from the gate, so I pulled Wisp out, opned my tack box(which was now in front of her stall) andstarted casually grooming. Just in time, Sara and Lacey shut their car doors, and walked into the barn.

“Hey guys!” I stopped grooming Wisp to hug both of them. “Let’s work on jumping and a bit of dressage.”

“But I’m not good at jumping!” We all whipped around to find Abby strolling down the aisle way.

“Abby!” We all squealed.

“Hey girls! Ready to do some hardcore jumping today?” Abby asked, pulling her horse Pepper out.

“Heck yeah!” Sara and Lacey said, pulling out their own mounts.

Small talk was exchanged while we tacked up our horses. Of course, being the one who was here first, I finished early, and put my spurs and helmet and gloves on.

“See ya out there!” I exclaimed, walking Wisp out in her bridle. When we reached  the large, indoor(read: heated) arena, I stepped inside, and oulled the door shut behind me. There was a full course of jumps ranging from small crossrails, to large 3 ft 11 oxers. The colors were blinding, and I wasn’t sure if Wisp would take them very well. I quickly mounted up, and let Wisp walk on a loose rein for about 5 minutes, before pushing her into her huge but smooth trot. Right as I cued her to canter, Abby, Sara, and Lace all filed in with their horses, silently mounting up and starting their warm up. I felt like someone was watching us, so I looked around, before landing on the lounge window. There sat the Three, staring at us, and occasionally commenting.  Steam was practically coming out of my ears.

“Girls! Come here really quick.” I motioned the girls over. “Look who’s watching us. Don’t make it obvious though.”

Sara growled, Lacey rolled her eyes, and Abby snorted.

“they want a show? Let’s give them a show.” Abby said. “Finish warming up, and then we will all take the course. Let Charlotte go last. That way, they have to wait to see their new rival.”

“Wow, great idea Ab!” Sara smiled at Abby.

“Alright, go and warm up, and in five minutes meet back here.” I said, and the girls panned out around the arena. I shoved my heels down, put my shoulders and chin up, and cued Wisp into her flowy canter. I was in a light half seat while we cantered on so that when the girls weren’t looking, I could pop over a warm up jump.


Now’s my chance! They were on their phones, texting. I turned Wisp for the jump, and counted my strides.

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