Caligari carnival

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In the ideal universe, all stories end with a happy ending, however, in Lemony Snickets universe, this was not the case. In his universe, the tale of Olivia Caliban and Jacques snicket was not a happy one, actually, it was far from it. However, this isn't his universe, this is a universe where Olivia and Jacques do in-fact survive this series of unfortunate events...

Olivia was standing on the plank. Looking up at her were two starving lions, their bones showing through their wounded, bruised skin. She looked up at the Baudelaires, they where shaking with fear, as they where the chosen ones, the ones who would soon plummet to their deaths. 'Trust me' Olivia cried, as she pushed the children, over the pit, where they landed, on the opposite side of the dungeon. Violet watched as count Olaf stared in disbelief, his eyes bulging out of their sockets. However, during this time, he had worked out that Olivia wasn't Madame Lulu, that she was in-fact Miss Caliban, librarian from Proof Rock Prepetory School. 'You're no fortune teller, you're that school librarian' he shouted. 'No, I'm a volunteer' she exclaimed, as she pulled out her VFD Spy glass. He laughed, and shouted 'well thank you for volunteering', he cut the rope, Olivia let out one last final scream before gravity did its duty, forcing her down the hole.

Just as all hope had left her body, something hit her, she looked up, to see Jacques lying next to her, across from the Baudelaires. Esme and Olaf let out a scream of horror, to be seeing their worst nightmare, back from the dead.

'Jacques- I don't understand- you're supposed to be-' Jacques interrupted her, 'dead? I wouldn't leave you without saying goodbye'.

Olivia smiled at him 'Jacques Snicket, you had me worried sick!'

He looked at her and also smiled 'a thousand pardons ma'am, I will never forgive myself'.

'Never?' she said. They both laughed at each other, and for that moment, everything was perfect, how it was supposed to be. However, this bliss feeling did not last very long, as the cries of the crowd snapped them back into reality.

'Olivia, children, we need to go' Jacques shouted.

Just as Olaf threw his knife, Jacques pulled Olivia out of the way, and into his arms, dodging her head, but cutting off a deep auburn lock of her long wavy hair, before piercing into the wall behind her.

They ran, as fast as they could. 'but Jacques, we don't have a car.' Olivia shouted as she grabbed the children, 'we can take my taxi' he said to her whilst smiling.

They had just gotten into the taxi, as count Olaf and Esme had set Caligari Carnival alight. The fumes made Olivia cough, as she was fighting with her many skirts that made up her Madame Lulu dress. Jacques and the children let out a slight laugh. Olivia shot them all a scathing look, before smiling and giggling herself. After all, she was happy to finally see the Baudelaire's smiling, happy, and in that moment, all was normal, the way Olivia and Jacques had imagined it would be from the very first moment they met.

As the taxi was racing up the slippery slopes, Olivia couldn't help but look back to what had been her home for the past few months, it was that place where she received the devastating news that her beloved Jacques was supposedly dead, the place where she spent many weeks crying herself to sleep.

Jacques glanced across at her, to see a tear rolling down her cheek, he knew that she was upset with him. 'What's wrong dear?' He asked. 'Oh, oh its nothing, I'm just glad to see you here after all this time' she said whilst wiping away her tears.

They both smiled at each other, and looked back at the children, who were, by now, sleeping with their shoulders resting on one another. They where glad to finally see them sleeping, without a care in the world.

Jalivia- olivia caliban x Jacques snicket fan fiction Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang