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Hello, my name is Coca like Coca-Cola. I am also known as FeliciaCandySweets, FiatheDemon, WinnieWonders - yes, I have a lot of aliases. 

Today, I have decided to present to you my own Anime Reviews. Others may have done this before and published their own reviews. I wanted to join in on this, everyone has their own opinions of the Animes they watch, it'll either be good or bad. 

This is going to be my template of how I'll represent my opinions...

[ Title: Anime Name ]

Director's Name

Each | Genre | will | be | here

Summary: describing the anime synopses

Number of Episodes

Crunchyroll Rating - My Rating

My Opinion

Now, if there is any animes I review are low-rated. It'll probably be due to the story or plot development, weird additions in the anime, or unresolved problems and anything else on the way - depending on the anime. 

Let's get reviewing!

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