The First Meet

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What is love?How does it feel? Zee always wondered that how the feeling of love is like and would he ever experience this pure feeling.
Unless he met Saint.Zee always had a crush on Saint since he watched the actor in "Love by Chance".

"I am so excited.I will get to meet and see Saint for real today .I am so happy."

He got to meet Saint in an event for "Kissboys" where Zee was the host.His breath was stopped for a second as he saw Saint coming towards him.

"Hi phi ,I am Saint Suppapong ,nice to meet you "Saint greeted Zee with a smile

"H..Hi  I am Zee Pruk ,the host for this event "Zee said with a trembled voiced
Saint smiled at him

Zee found Saint to be a very humble and lively person.

Saint also had a good first impression about Zee .He found Zee to be handsome and have a good body.He felt an attraction towards Zee but he let go off these thoughts.

Zee was Saint's huge fan and he asked him for a selfie and Saint was very humble to give it to him .Just then Saint said something that shocked Zee.

"Phi plz give me your IG id and I ll follow u back" Saint said smiling

"U...U want my IG " Zee said in shock

"Yes....But if u don't want to give me that's completely ok"

"No no ...I mean yes I ll give it to u"Zee said with a bright smile on his face

Saint laughed

Zee thought that it was the first and the last time that he could me Saint.

But as soon as Zee found out that he cleared the audition for "Why R U" and that he would be casted against Saint ,a sort of shiver went down his spine.And this was because Zee had a crush on Saint .He thought how would he able to play as a couple with a person whom he have a crush on.

Moreover Saint was a very fine and talented actor and Zee was worried that would he be able to match up to his level.

When Saint was told that he would play as a couple with Zee, he found a blush on his face. He couldn't understand his feeling. 

A few workshops had to be done before the actual filming of the series.

On the day of the first workshop ,Zee was really nervous.He saw Saint coming up to him.

"Hey phi,don't stress too much ,we ll surely do well" Saint said smiling at Zee

"Thanku Nong and I ll try my best" Zee said

During the first workshop they were taught how to look into each other's eyes and how to hold hands.

Though Saint had experienced such workshops during his previous projects but still he felt his heart beating fast when he stared in Zee's eyes .

Zee ,Why R U being his first bl project often got nervous while looking into Saint's eyes.

The acting coach told them to relax and and take a break

"Phi,relax and stress. We can do it."

After a few tries,Zee and Saint were quite comfortable watching in each other's eyes.

They got quite close in the successive workshops, feeling comfortable around one another. Until the workshop came when they had to practice the kissing scene.

Though the kiss wasn't a real one but still both could feel a blush on their faces.
It could a little time for them to adjust in their position.

As soon as Saint's lips met Zee's he could feel how soft they were. Zee began to lose control and wanted to deepen the kiss and make it real but then he realised that they were in a workshop and he controlled himself.

Saint while kissing got carried away and started touching Zee's chest and his abs.But as soon as pulled out ,Saint became hesitant and started blushing.

The crew just stayed stunned by the perfection of the scene.The scene was seemed to be real (which it actually was😉)

"ohh the room is getting hot , the scene was so hot"Park said teasing them.
Both Zee and Saint were blushing hard.
They couldn't understand what was happening to them.

"Hey Saint why are you feeling his way ....Do u lyk Zee ?" Saint said to himself.

"Zee what's happening with u ...Do u have feelings for Saint"Zee had a same situation

The whole crew knew that there was something between them,but they always denied as they weren't clear about their feeling.

The next chapter will be uploaded soon
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LOVE DEFINES ITSELF-A  ZAINTSEE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now