Chapter VII

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Seto panted as he woke up. Another nightmare. Its starting to be regular these days.

This time he was dreaming of destroying buildings and blocks, along with killing several people.

For some reason, he had been sleeping at the outskirts of a town. He doesn't know where he was, but it seemed a bit familiar...

Shrugging it off, Seto stood up and teleported away, having full magical energy after sleep.

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Another news report. This time the town that was attacked was Birchwood town. The 4th one that was attacked.

Deadlox was trying to track down where would be the next victim, but it was too random.

Aestel City, Holly village, and Starlight Town were the previous places that were attacked.

All those places are far from each other, so obviously the culprit couldn't have a grudge on a certain place.

A, H, S, B...rearrange it...Bash? As in Bashur?

Deadlox shook his head. I must be thinking too much. He sighed and settled off for bed.

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Deadlox had updated Jason about the 'terrorist'. He would never believe that Seto would do such a thing.

It was weird... Jason isn't sure why he feels like he needs Seto back, culprit or not.

He was planning to head to Birchwood town, the last
place the attack occurred.

**DISCONTINUED** Purple Star ~SetoMU~Where stories live. Discover now