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When Jinsoul says she loves Jungeun, she means it.

She loves the girl with all her heart. Just loves the way she grumbles cutely when she doesn't get a dance down, how she laughs whenever Jinsoul acts like a fool for her. Anything about her, really. Jinsoul could even find the way she wiggles her toes when something exciting happens cute.

She's also certain that whatever happens, she's still going to love her.

And right now she's just hoping she'll stay true to her words.

"They said I'd have to move,"

"I can still see you, though!"

"They're moving me to a performing arts school as well, the schedules they prepared for me and Jiwoo are tight. I don't think we can even hang out with you guys properly anymore."

Jinsoul couldn't properly make a sentence. She didn't think it'd be this soon into their relationship that something intervenes.


"Jinsoul," she felt herself being wrapped around with the warmth she's so used to by now, "please don't cry."

Cry? Was she crying? She only felt the tears running down when the younger pointed it out for her. She didn't say anything, just embracing the fact she's sobbing into Jungeun's shoulder.

"I'm sorry," Jungeun whispered, brushing Jinsoul's hair with her fingers.

Jungeun felt heavy. She now knew the sight of Jinsoul breaking down in her arms is one she despised. She desperately wants to say something to calm the other down. Say she regretted signing the contract in the first place. But she'd be lying if this situation wasn't two sided. While she is sad about the uncertain future of them, she's kind of happy she's another step closer to pursuing her dreams, Alongside her best friend, at that. She wonders how Jiwoo is breaking the news to her lover. Jungeun only hopes it's going better than the scene she's in right now.

"I'm so, so, sorry," she whispers again, "I didn't think completely through it, I'm sorry."

Jinsoul suddenly pushes her away softly, sniffling back her sobs, "no."

Jungeun could see the smile she out on her lips were forced, "it's okay. just.."

Jinsoul almost broke, but kept it together nonetheless, "..just give me time to think."

Jungeun's heart fell, seeing her girlfriend this ruined by news she herself gave made something inside her turn.

Oh god, I ruined her. I did this.

She only nodded, knowing that if she said anything anymore, it could make it worse for the both of them. She watched Jinsoul as she walked out of the dance studio. Once the door clicked, Jungeun collapsed herself on the floor, crying loudly for her to care if anyone heard anymore.

Jinsoul leaned on the door, trying not to cry herself hearing the muffled sobs from inside. She could not handle this right now.

"Jinsoul?" Yerim tapped lightly on the shoulder slouched on the table. Her tone questioning since, the position the girl was in made it hard to tell.

She was passing by the little cafeteria that the dorm building had when she notices a mop of yellow hair. She thought she passed out on the table. Maybe from drinking too much coffee? There were at least 8 empty cups in front of her.

When she lifted her head Yerim sighed, "Oh, it really is you. What are you doing here?"

She took a seat across the girl before examining her, "and why do you look wrecked...?"

bats and dancing shoes // lipsoul auWhere stories live. Discover now