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~~~Vicki's POV~~~

I lean back in my chair as I wait for my laptop to power down. I stretch my arms up over my head and yawn deeply. Once the last light of my computer fades off, I rise from my desk and head to my bedroom. One last glance at my phone shows my assumptions were correct. 2:46 AM. I remove my glasses and plug my phone into the charger at my bedside table and set my alarm for tomorrow morning an hour later than usual. I fall face first into my pillow and tiredly pull the covers over my head, letting my feet become uncovered by of the short length of my blanket. In my tired state, I manage to mumble out a short incantation before I fall asleep.

                ~~~~Dream World~~~~

                I open my eyes to a dark forest. The moon faintly illuminates the large pine trees that reach up towards the stars. I trudge forward, careful of the placement of my feet so I don’t trip. I push through a layer of tall bushes and into a camp site. A small fire is set in the center of four logs meant to be used as seats. I throw a few twigs into the fire as I sit on one of the logs.

I close my eyes, take in a deep breath, and whisper into the fire, “Let me share in this vision with the ones I care for” followed by the names “Roselyn, Dakoda-Jane, Tamotsu, Yuki”. I wait for my friends to come.

Roselyn is the first to arrive, emerging from the brush to my left. The light of the fire plays against her pale skin and her long, dark brown braid. She swipes away a leaf from her purple, almost Victorian style dress that reaches all the way to her black, pointed boots.

 “Hello.” Roselyn smiles warmly and sits on the log to my left.

Dakoda-Jane, better known as DJ, is next to break through the bushes. Her short blonde hair bounces as she makes her way over. She flops down on the log across from me, pulling out a twig from the neck of her blue flannel shirt and throwing it into the fire. She quickly throws her head to the side to move her bangs back to the left of her face and covering her eye.

“Sup bitches!” she shouts, propping a leg up on the log that Roselyn is sitting on.

Yuki is the last to show, fixing her short mess of black and red hair that was made wild by the trip through the branches. Her cat ears twitch and she pouts, seeing her boyfriend hasn’t yet fallen asleep. She pulls down on her light blue shirt as she trudges towards the group.

“Hey.” Yuki mutters, followed by a loud sigh as she sits to my right, her tail curling around her hip.

“You okay? Where’s Tatsu?” I ask, concerned for my best friend. She lets out another sigh before speaking again.

“That’s just it. He’s been up all night writing. He’s such a workaholic.” She says, resting her elbow on her knee and her chin in her palm.

“Dump him then!” DJ says as she holds her hands to the fire in attempt to warm them.

“I can’t do that!” Yuki’s blue and red eyes grow wide as her hands run through her recently fixed hair. “I love him! I would never!”

“Stop complaining about him then!” DJ retorts and Roselyn giggles. Yuki shoots the two a death glare and Roselyn’s giggle transforms into an awkward cough, causing DJ to laugh loudly. I rest my hand on Yuki’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry man. He’s probably working all night so he can spend more time with you during the day.” I say, trying to reassure her. I know Tatsu loves her. He just has trouble showing it. Yuki smiles, pulling me into a hug.

“Where’s mine?” DJ jokes. Yuki pulls away.

“If you wanted a hug, you shouldn’t have told me to break up with Tamoshi.” She scowls. That guy has a lot of nick-names, doesn’t he?

“Come on! You know I’m just joking. I don’t want you two to start fighting, and making you question your feelings is the only way I know how to help.” DJ says with her arms outstretched to her. Yuki only pouts.

“You know you want to!” DJ taunts and Yuki’s frown fades into a smile. She chuckles and falls into DJ’s embrace.

“That’s it. Bring it in.” DJ says as she rubs Yuki’s back. A man’s voice breaks through the forest.

“Whoa girls! What am I missing out on?” My smile vanishes instantly and the two separate. I turn to my left, the direction of the voice.

“God damn it Bay! How did you break the seal?” The man, or should I say bee, belonging to the voice falls through the bushes. He picks himself up, dusting the dirt from his black and yellow stripped shirt. He sits between me and Roselyn.

“It’s actually pretty easy. You left out a spell book, the one Rose gave you I think.” Roselyn twiddles her thumbs and looks at the ground. Bay scratches at his bright yellow hair and continues.

“And it’s way easier done from close range.” He smiles at me seductively. My eyes grow wide.

“So you’re telling me, you’re in my bed, with me, right now?” I ask nervously. He wiggles his eyebrows as he stares deeply into my eyes.

“Yuki? Could you maybe come over tomorrow morning and beat the crap out of Bay for me?” I calmly ask, turning towards her.

“With pleasure.” She glares at Bay and cracks her knuckles. He gulps nervously, knowing of the beating to come. I turn to Roselyn and DJ.

“You guys can come too! We can have breakfast together!” I say happily. DJ’s uncovered eye lights up and her smile grows wide.

“Sweet!” she exclaims throwing a fist into the air. Roselyn smiles delicately.

“I would love to.” She says calmly. “When should we arrive?” She asks.

“About 9:30ish?” I say as more of a question, searching for conformation from the rest of the group.

“Excellent!” Roselyn says excitedly. DJ and Yuki nod.

“We’ll be there.” Yuki says.

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