The Talk - The Spirit

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Note: Well frick… OKAY I DIDN’T PLAN THIS STUFF I SWEAR some of it BUT NOT MOST OF IT it just kind of… happens…  plot HAPPENS to me okay?? I only have vague control of the direction I can nudge it in! The characters belong to MysteryBen and Artsy.


            It was hardly a breath before Mystery launched over their heads at the imposter, fangs bared and eyes flashing like fire. The Spirit dodged, almost lazily. Rebounding off the bluff, Mystery twisted himself about to pounce again.

            The Spirit took the brunt of Mystery’s blow to its shoulder, but barely flinched while the kitsune staggered back, completely dazed.

            “Please, continue the futility.” The Spirit grinned. “Is this what being human-bound does? Addles your brains, I say. You know you cannot win now that I’m unbound and you are bound.”

            “Take them and flee!” Mystery howled at Lewis, lunging again and clamping his teeth around the spirit’s foreleg.

            “But what would be the point in that?” The spirit lifted its foreleg, whipping Mystery off like he was an insect. “As he so masterfully explained, you have a bleeding soul with you. How do you think I found you so quickly? Locating you again would be no trouble.”

            “G-get out of here!” Arthur shouted at Lewis and Vivi from the ground. “He c-can’t smell you if-f I’m not there, just g-go!”

            Lewis turned to Vivi, but she planted her feet, fists clenched. “If you for one moment think about doing what I think you’re thinking about doing I will punt your skull so far you’ll spend the next ten years looking for it. You,” She pointed at him. “Stand Arthur up, we’re getting out of here together. And we’ll figure this out together.

            As Lewis turned to him, Arthur shouted, “Lewis, don’t you d-d-dare! It’ll come a-after V-v-v-v… you know it will!”

            Lewis stood there, eyes wide, torn.

            “TAKE THEM YOU FOOL GHOST!” Mystery bowled Lewis over with his tails, breathing heavily. “ALL OF THEM!”


            “ARTHUR YOU MOP-BRAINED TOP-HEAD!” Lewis scooped Vivi up. “DON’T JUST LIE THERE RUUUUuuuunnn….” Her shout faded out as Lewis blazed away across the desert.

            “I’ll kill him again!” Mystery snarled, taking a stand directly over Arthur.

            “Don’t blame the ghost, Mystery.” The Spirit chortled. “It isn’t his responsibility to keep your human safe. Tell me, Arthur,” it addressed him suddenly, and Arthur shuddered at the sound of his name in the creature’s mouth. “When did Mystery come into your life?”

            “SILENCE!” Mystery roared.

            “Has he always been there? Did your father tell you how he played with Mystery as a child, and you just accepted it?”

            Mystery crouched low, his belly brushing Arthur, and rumbled a warning growl.

            “Of course, now that you know he’s now what he seems it would make sense, but how long has he been with your family line?” The Spirit thrust its head forward, practically drooling, “How old is your family line, Arthur?”

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