The Talk - Mystery

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 Note: About 50% of Tumblr and FFnet guessed correctly, yes. Ember taught Lewis the ropes. Wattpad, y u so quiet?? I see your views readers, no guesses? Ah well. Next time! The characters belong to MysteryBen and Artsy. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVEN’T SEEN GHOST YET, WHAT ARE YOU DOING READING THIS? GO SEE THE ORIGINAL ANIMATION NOW!


            Mystery settled onto the sandy ground, raising a puff of dust as he did. Arthur’s eyes traveled back  to Mystery’s hindquarters, and saw that his hind leg was still missing. He didn’t know why he’d hoped for different. Vaguely he wondered what it would take to get working prosthetics for both forms.

            “There is not much to tell.” Mystery’s mouth worked slowly, his lips and tongue moving with care as if he were unused to human speech. “In the cave one year ago I knew something was wrong with the place, but I failed to see the signs until it was too late. All I could do was relieve Arthur of his possessed limb.”

            Arthur’s eyes narrowed slightly. Mystery hadn’t looked at him once, and still seemed to be studying the ground.

            “After that, I just stayed near. He started talking to me more since he knew I was more than a dog, but I do not speak in that form.”

            “You sure did at the vet’s.” Vivi mumbled.

            “I was on the verge of transformation. Had you been a few seconds later, a giant hole in the building would have marked my exit. I had no way of telling that Arthur was safe, and in his state I cannot afford to leave his side, even if I am injured.”

            “His state?” Lewis scratched his skull. “He’s a little fragile but we put him back together.”

            Mystery shook his head slowly. “He is more than fragile right now. His soul itself is badly wounded. One does not suffer malevolent possession and escape unscathed. It is not something that can be seen, but even now it is like blood in the water, and sharks for miles around can smell him.”

            Arthur’s eyes widened, his throat closing. “Y-y-you mean…”

            “Yes.” Mystery’s voice was deeply unhappy. “You could be taken over again, quite easily, and you are in fact a greater target now. I had to be back with you again as soon as possible. To keep you safe."

            Arthur wrapped his arms around himself. The thought that he could be retaken at any moment was horrifying. “H-How long before I s-stop bl-bleeding in the water?”

            “It could take years. The soul is not like the body, it takes a much longer time to heal.”

            Arthur swallowed. “Wh-y do you have to k-keep me safe?”

            “I’m sure you would like to understand several things that happened.” Mystery turned quickly to Lewis, as if Arthur hadn’t spoken. “The memories that were suddenly in your hands, for example. Or how you knew the way to show them your memories just now, you never wondered?”

            Lewis stared up at the fox, expectantly.

            “I’ve watched humans pass on before. Some of them remained as ghosts with unfinished business, not unlike yourself. Their powers always varied, each vastly different from the next. I questioned some, and came to find their power was often connected to their final thoughts, their last wishes if you will. You wanted for Vivi to not have seen your death, so you’ll note you have interesting abilities regarding peoples’ memories. Likewise, your lifelong anger has manifested as a weapon.”

            “What about these?” Lewis raised his hands, two purple ghosts flying out of his chest cavity and circling him. “They come when I need them, what are they?”

            “I would say manifestations of your subconscious.” Mystery raised his eyebrows as one circled Vivi, settling on her shoulder and nuzzling her until she turned bright pink. “That much is rather obvious.”

            Flustered, Lewis quickly recollected them.

            “When I was looking for Arthur the other day with Vivi, I heard the distress call you put out. Not targeted, just a call for help. I was able to find you, and there you have it.” Mystery casually licked his forepaw. “That is all there is.”


            Mystery’s tongue froze, then retreated into his mouth. “You think I am lying, Arthur?”

            “Bullc-crap that that’s ‘all there is.’”

            “Squire’s right.” Vivi shook her head. “There’s a lot more you have to explain. What are you? Where did you come from? When were you going to tell us? What can you do? What was that thing in the cave?”

            “Wh-why do you have to protect me?” Arthur returned to his question.

            Mystery still refused to look at Arthur. “I firmly believe some things in life should remain a mystery. Perhaps this is something you should learn to get used to.”

            Arthur pulled away from Vivi. “L-lew. H-hand please.”

            Blinking, Lewis extended a hand. Arthur took it, using it to pull himself up, very carefully, before forcing himself to let go. Mystery’s eye slid around to the corner, watching him sideways as he weaved slightly on his feet.

            “Wh-why won’t you look at me?” Arthur asked, focusing on Mystery and not on the fact that he was farther from the ground than he cared to be. “You’re al-always looking at me, or letting me hold you, or jumping on me or m-making contact. Why w-won’t you look at me?” Almost immediately the eye slid forward and away again. “S-see, you’re doing it a-again. You’re h-hiding things. M-mystery you’re a giant fox—”

            “Kitsune.” He corrected mildly.

            “Giant kitsune, and y-you ex-xpect us to not ask you a-about it?”

            “You can ask. That is perfectly acceptable. I can choose not to tell.” He continued licking his forepaw.

            “Touching, you’re so open with those you claim to keep safe.”

            At the sound of the fifth voice, everything changed. Arthur crumbled to the ground, shaking. Lewis grabbed Vivi, jerking her close to Arthur and standing in front of them. Mystery was on his feet, snarling and roaring, “Not possible!”

            There, at the top of the bluff they sheltered behind, sat another kitsune. Its fur was a sickly green from ears to tails, and its belly covered in scales. A pair of wings lay flat against its sides, folded close to the body, and an amused grin lit its features.

            “Oh, very possible, Mystery.” The mirror kitsune dripped the name derisively. “You left a loophole behind with me. One that was not thought of by our captor. And now,” It stood to its heavily taloned paws, “I am free of my bonds. And you are not. So,” He slid slowly down the bluff, still grinning. “Now that I am at full power, and you are not, I would like to thank you personally for trying to end me. But first, I think your friends want to know a little more about who you really are.


Note: Me: *stares at the screen*… you weren’t supposed to be back… the frick… WHO’S RUNNING THIS ANYWAY??

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