Chapter 8

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The next few weeks I had been applying to online jobs, hoping I could still work once the baby comes and keep the job if I do have to move with Liam. I ended up finding a customer service job that paid good enough and I could choose my hours.

Liam was at the beginning of basketball season and was at practice every afternoon and then worked until 8 at the daycare. By the time he got home he had to eat, and do his homework. We barely talked but I could see the mental toll it was taking on him.

I ended up working most of the day and then at 6 I would eat with Mr. and Mrs. Jaxon or Linda and Jerry as they told me to call them. They were amazing people and explained how they have fostered over 30 children in their lives but fell in love with Liam and decided to adopt him.

It was now Christmas time and Liam got a break from school. He picked up some more shifts at the daycare and he was working full time, plus having to go to practice every morning. He was barely home and I only saw him at night. It was December 24th and I had still not done all of my Christmas shopping. Liam had to work so I asked Jerry if I could go shopping.

"Do you think I could last a few hours at the mall?" I asked him, hoping for a yes.

"Of course sweety, Linda can go with you just in case," he said and I squealed in excitement and went downstairs to get ready.

I got dressed in a sweater and some maternity jeans and my bump was very obvious. I put my hair in a bun and put on some ugg boots. I grabbed my purse and waddled my way upstairs.

"Ready?" Linda asked when she saw me.

"Yes!" I said following her out to the car. We made it to the mall within 10 minutes and it was crowded as I expected. I had a list of everything I wanted to get people. I had already gotten my mom some baby clothing and mailed it to her.

I went to my first story which was gamestop so I could get Dax who has been visiting me every other day a video game he has been talking about. I went to Victoria Secret and got Bri some new underwear, and some sweatpants. I went to Target and got Ash some skincare stuff she was obsessed with.

I wanted to get Linda and Jerry something but Linda was with me so I had to sneak off and get them their gift idea which was a cute lamp I saw which they needed for their living room because Liam had broken it. Linda luckily had to go to get my gift so I went over and quickly bought it.

Finally I needed to get Liam's gift. I had a hard time trying to figure out what to get him but I picked out a gift which I think will be perfect for him. He had missed our last appointment where we could find out the gender because of work. I got him a framed picture of the last ultrasound I got, and a onesie revealing the gender. By the time I finished shopping it was around 4pm and Linda and I headed home.

I went straight to my room and started to wrap presents. After I was finished I put the presents upstairs under the tree Linda and Jerry had put up and I decided to clock some hours working just to save up some money.

It was 9 when Liam came home. I could see the bags under his eyes and he looked exhausted. He sat on the couch and looked like he was about to fall asleep.

"You have way too much on your plate Liam," I said walking out of my room. He looked up at me and stood up walking me back to my bed.

"I will be okay, as long as you keep my baby safe," he said tucking me into bed.

"Liam I am serious," I said to him, and he sighed.

"We have less than four months left of the pregnancy. I know my parents will help out but I need to prove I can do this on my own," He said taking a seat on the bed next to me.

"I have been working and saving money," I said to him.

"It shouldn't be up to you to support both of us. Plus if you just let me get my GED then I could just work full time," he said laying his head on the frame leaning back.

"You should go to college, you can make a difference in your life by doing so. I was never going to go to college even if I didn't get knocked up," I said trying to make him feel better. He pulled me into his chest and we cuddled and fell asleep.

We woke up to a flash of a camera. I looked around groggily and I saw Linda standing there with a camera and a smile on her face. I looked over and Liam and I had fallen asleep and he was holding onto my stomach while spooning me. He looked up and groaned in embarrassment.

"Merry Christmas!!" Linda said, running up the stairs laughing. I looked over at Liam and he gave me a small smile.

"They like to open presents in the morning," he said standing up and rubbing his eyes.

"I left the pajamas on your bed!" Jerry screamed down the stairs and Liam groaned as I raised my eyebrow.

"We also wear matching family pajamas," he said leaving the room to grab them. They were red and black flannel bottoms and a red shirt that had an ornament where my baby bump was and he had a red shirt with a fake pocket with an ornament on the pocket.

I laughed but went to the bathroom to put it on. I put my hair up in a messy bun, and put some fuzzy socks on. The ornament was perfect over my bump and I thought it was actually cute. I walked out and Liam took a picture of me causing me to laugh.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Thought our baby would want pictures of what they looked like in their mom," he said smiling. He helped me up the stairs and we entered the kitchen where there were muffins cooked. Linda handed us each a muffin and a glass of juice and pushed us to the living room to open presents.

"Okay mine first!" Jerry said, handing us each a gift. I thanked him and we all opened our gifts one by one. He had gotten Liam a gift card to some clothing stores, and a baby store telling him he had to pick out some gifts for the baby. He got Linda a beautiful necklace and she cried when opening it. He got me some gift cards for clothing stores as well and he also got a gift for our baby which was a diaper changing table which matched the furniture in my room.

"It is perfect thank you," I said, hugging him. Linda went next, and she had gotten Jerry a new cell phone, Liam a new computer, and she got me a pregnancy pillow saying it would be totally worth it. She also had gotten a carseat for the baby and a stroller.

I asked to go next and I handed out all of my gifts. I gave Linda and Jerry the new lamp and they were so excited. I had also gotten Linda new earrings, and Jerry a new tie. They hugged me and thanked me for the gifts. I then handed Liam his gift and I felt my heart start to pound.

He opened it up and it was the framed picture of the ultrasound. You could really start to see the shape of the baby and Liam looked astonished.

"I am sorry I missed this one," he said looking at the picture frame. I then handed him the second gift and he opened it. Inside there was a onesie that said 'Handsome like my Dad' and it was blue and I hoped he got it.

"It is a boy?" he asked me with tears in his eyes. I shook my head yes some tears started to fall down my face. He pulled me into a hug and hugged me tightly. I heard Jerry and Linda celebrate also and he pulled away and looked at the picture again.

"It is my turn," Liam said. He had gotten Jerry tickets to go see their favorite basketball team, and Linda a bracelet about being a grandma causing her to cry. He then handed me a small package.

I opened it and inside was a ring. It was silver and it was a flower instead of a jewel. It was very beautiful and I looked at him shocked.

"I wanted to get you something that proved that I would always stick by your side. I don't know if we will ever date or get married. But, I will always support you and care for you and our child," he said and I gave him a tight hug.

"Thank you Liam this means a lot," I said, feeling tears running down my face. I believed him that he would take care of us and I cared a lot about him too.

He slipped it onto my ring finger and gave me a smile. It fit perfectly and I absolutely loved it. We all decided to eat our muffins and then watch a Christmas movie together. Then Dax Bri and Ash stopped by and we all exchanged gifts. They had all gotten us a lot of baby stuff but that was what we asked for.

By the end of the day I was filled with so much love and joy and Liam and I headed back down to his room.

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