Chapter 3

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"Everything will be okay," Lucifer whispers.

It's all he can think to say, all he can bear to murmur into your ear as you sob into his chest, the two of you kneeling on the ground where you collapsed in his arms earlier.

He brings a hand to your hair, stroking it tenderly in a motion he hopes is comforting. His own throat feels like it's constricting, to see you in such an utterly shattered state. He practically raised you back in the Celestial Realm, and not once has he seen you react this badly to anything.

The demon lowers his eyes to the top of your head, kissing it as you continue to tremble in his arms. "Everything will be okay," He repeats. He doesn't know if it's true, but he has to say something.

You're genuinely hysterical, unable to stop the tears or wails or trembles as you pull him closer, trying to hide from whatever it is that's making you feel this way.

"It' s—it's not," You stutter, making a valiant effort to fight the tears. "Everything won't be okay—nothing will be okay!"

"Shh," Lucifer repeats, kissing your temple once more. "It will. I'll make sure of it, I promise."

He sees you raise your head, lip quivering and ready to respond. But then, you seem to think better of it, and he feels your weight changing as you slowly shift from your human form to your angel form, opting to show him the cause of your anguish.

The breath catches in Lucifer's throat.

His eyes widen, staring at you in nothing but horror as he takes in the sight before him.

This can't be true, right? Surely, his eyesight is tricking him? It cannot be real that you, the holiest angel, actually have wings that are turning black?

Lucifer's eyes lock with your own, a single second where he fails to mask his expression, and that's all it takes for you to break down into tears once more. You clutch his chest, desperate for some reprieve of the pain you're feeling. "See?" A broken laugh rolls off your lips. "Even you know how awful this is."

The demon clenches his teeth, finally beginning to understand the depth of your sorrow. There's nothing more tragic than an angel tainted, and the fact that it's you only makes the situation worse. "Everything will be okay," He repeats, hoping that you can find some solace in his words.

"How?" You ask, tears rolling down your cheeks faster than they can fall. "How can anything be okay for me? My wings are black. I' m—I'm—" You hesitate, bracing yourself for the whispered words that are about to leave your lips. "I'm a monster, Lucifer."

The demon feels his heart break.

The true tragedy is that there's nothing he can say to comfort you, nothing he can say to make you feel better.

There are angels and demons and then there are the miserable creatures that lurk halfway in between, neither touched by light nor darkness. It's these creatures of internal imbalance that everyone looks down upon, angels and demons and humans alike. They belong to neither the Celestial Realm nor the Devildom, eternally roaming the skies in between; their single defining characteristic lies in the duality of their wings: part black and part white, a perfect replica of what the feathers on your back look like.

"They'll—they'll banish me," You whisper, clinging to Lucifer. "I'll be a drifter. No home, no family, nothing but pain for all eternity."

"No," He says, resolute. There are few condolences he can offer you in this situation, but this is the one thing he can make certain of: "You will never be without a family. You are blessed in every way, MC. You have not one, but two guardians. And we will protect you for eternity—neither Simeon nor I will ever desert you. Nor my brothers, nor your holy friends, nor any of the people you've met along the way." Lucifer lifts a finger to your chin, forcing you to stare into his eyes. "Have you shown Simeon, yet?"

Written in the Stars (Lucifer x Angel!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now