The Wedding Part 2

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Inej POV

What she had not expected to happen as soon as she opened the door was for everyone to stand for her entrance. Granted she had never been to a wedding but this seemed to be a bit of a dramatic way to make her feel special. She didn't need them to make her feel that way, she was the one marrying Kaz freaking Brekker, of course she felt special. She heard Wylan start playing the wedding March on his flute so she knew it was time for her walk. The aisle was less than 20 feet but there was a curve that she had to take, so she couldn't see Kaz or anyone but the faces of the Dregs. As she walked she remembered the night that Kaz proposed. It hadn't been anything extravagant, if anything it was underwhelming.


Inej sighed as she finally got home. Kaz had sent her on a job to assassinate a low-level merch that has somehow cheated their dealer at a hand of cards. How he did it without anyone noticing was beyond her, but Kaz didn't take to well to losing money. The job had gone as smooth as she had thought it would. He died quietly and in the morning his maid would find his body in his desk chair with his throat slit into a smile.

While the night had been gruesome, Inej was just happy to be home. She quickly opened the Slat doors, intending to get a bite to eat before crawling into bed with her favorite creepy genius. However, when she walked in, she noticed that the lights were dimmed (Okay they were turned off) but a table had been set out with dinner and candles. And there was her creepy genius smiling at her from a chair on the far side of the table.

The dinner wasn't much but it was what appeared to be a stew with bread. Inej smiled at Kaz and made her way to her chair. As she sat down Kaz started talking. Talking fast.

"Inej, I love you a lot. I know you've had a rough night, and I wanted to set out dinner for you when you got back. I'm sorry that I asked you to kill someone. I know it's not your favorite thing to do, but I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you putting up with me all of these years. I also wanted to let you know that I love you so much that sometimes I feel like it will manifest itself into a sentient being and that was a weird thing to say."

Kaz paused taking a couple deep breaths before continuing,"I guess i'm going off script because i'm nervous, and I really do love you a lot and the point of all of these stupid words coming out of my mouth right now is, I was wondering if you would Marry me?"

Inej felt her mouth drop open and before she say anything he continued

"And if the answer is a no, I would really appreciate it if you stabbed me in the face right now. It would make me feel better."

Inej felt her eyes water as  her lips turned up into a grin

"Yeah, I think I can manage being your wife." she had said and that had been that


It hadn't taken them after that very long to plan the wedding. The only real problem was getting her parents here, and even that had been solved with a simple bribe and time management.  And now she was here. Getting married at 19. To the love of her life. What a fucking dream. As she turned the corner she spotted something that made her do a double take.

A curvy brunette was standing at the alter where the minister was supposed to be. Inej couldn't help it. She ran for Nina as fast as she could. Who cared that it messed the timing of the wedding up, Inej certainly didn't.

She didn't even look at Kaz as she barreled into Nina and tried to hug the life outta her. Nina laughed and after a couple minutes pushed Inej off of her. Inej backed up blushing and then turned towards Kaz, as she remembered that they were in the middle of something. He just smiled at her and grabbed her hands. Inej looked at Jesper who was on her side with Damien. He was holding a bouquet and quickly threw her a wink before she turned back around.

On Kaz's side there was Wylan dressed in a snazzy suit, holding his flute and the hand of Virgil. Her mother and father were in the crowd, and all of her family was there. She was ready.


He knew that she was going to run to Nina, so he wasn't offended when she didn't even deign to glance at him. But when she turned back around, and all her attention was on him, it was the best thing he could have asked for.

"Before we start is there anyone that objects? Great, no one. Perfect. Moving on." Nina said as she started the ceremony.

"Kaz take her hands and repeat after me." Kaz did as he was told.

"Inej, you acrobatic spider that I love so much, will have you and hold you, in sickness and in health, until I die because I said the wrong thing." Kaz paused, looking at Nina.

"I thought you were certified." Kaz said sarcastically

"I am, it's called making it personal now do as you're told, or I'm marrying her and you can be a lonely old man." Nina said throwing a wink at Inej.

Kaz sighed and repeated the words.

"Good now Inej repeat after me. Kaz, dearest, even though I am very much out of your league for some insane reason I have decided to bind my life with yours. I will honor you and cherish you as long as we both shall live." Nina commanded

Inej smiled and repeated the words.

"Exchange the rings. And no vows. I want cake and I have no time for this. You can tell each other later how much you adore each other."

Inej smiled at Kaz and quickly slid a black band with a crow engraved on it, onto his left ring finger. Kaz did the same with her black band. She had opted out of the frilly diamonds saying that having something gaudy like that, was just asking to get it lifted.

"Now as the most beautiful person in the room, and on behalf of the Country of Ketterdam, I pronounce you Husband and Waifu. You may now kiss or whatever." She exclaimed as she quickly stepped back from them. Kaz slowly smiled and quickly pecked Inej on the lips. Inej pouted but didn't say anything about the short kiss. They turned to the crowd as everyone cheered. Inej was officially his and he was officially hers.

Oh and Jesper caught the bouquet 💐

That was the official end. I created this because of how many reads the story has and I was actually very bored. Hope you enjoyed. I have other stories posted. Go check those out, anyway peace ✌🏻

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