The Epilogue

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Authors note at bottom. This is short.
Kaz Pov
A few months after everything had been said and done, he eventually shed the gloves for the most part.

There would still be some bad days where no one, not even Inej, could touch him. But even those days were decreasing in their frequency.

Kaz had talked it over with Inej and they had offered Pekka's son, Alby, a home with the Dregs. He was emotional as any child who had had their father killed was, but the kid was from the barrel and it only took him a few weeks in foster care to realize that he was getting a good deal, by being with the Dregs.

They had even started to teach Virgil and Damian. School stuff, Kaz had been strictly prohibited by Inej to not teach them anything that could lead to them being criminals.

But Inej, wasn't always home since she resumed her job as a Slaver hunter. And when the hypocrites were away, the criminals would play. So they learned some special skills that could get them into trouble and help get them out of it.

After Alby accepted their offer he also went to their homeschool of sorts, and Kaz treated him just the same as the other two. Even though one day, Alby could grow up and kill Kaz for killing Pekka, He decided to throw caution to the wind. Wy and Jes were known as the kid's uncles; And when Kaz had a bad day, or just really wanted to be alone, The fun uncles would come over and babysit.

Inej only made short voyages now because she wanted to be there for her kids and her love.

So, yeah, everything was perfect.

Authors note: that is officially the end of this story. It's been a wild ride guys. I hope you enjoyed it and loved reading it as much as I loved writing it. Thank you for everything ❤️

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