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Jungkook's POV

Taehyung and I stared at each other in confusion. I stood up, grabbing his hand and pulled him with me.

"Don't be scared. Just be yourself." He nodded, and intertwined our fingers. I blushed and opened the door, noticing that the hallways were silent.

We walked downstairs and our eyes widened, seeing literally everyone downstairs, a whole crowd was standing there, shouting all kinds of things in unbelieve.

What is happening?

As soon as Taehyung cleared his throat, everyone turned around with wide eyes, now appearantly for two reasons.

"What is going on? Speak up." Taehyung ordered, looking at the first person he saw.

The person just pointed through the crowd, the crowd moving away to make a path.

Just one person didn't move. One person stood there, staring at Taehyung.

I looked at Taehyung, noticing how he froze. The grip he had on my hand loosened, and before I knew it he sped off of the stairs and ran to the unfamiliar boy, squeezing him in a tight hug.

The whole crowd watched the scene, and I was watching from the stairs.

It didn't take long before everyone began clapping, cheering, and I watched as Taehyung spun the boy in a circle, lifting him off of the ground.

I've never seen him smile so widely, so happy.

I turned my gaze on Jimin, Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi who walked towards me when they saw me.

Jimin was in shock, Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi were avoiding my eyes and Hoseok was no where to be found.

"What's going on? Who is that guy?"

I asked, jealousy and sadness creeping up on me the more and more I watched them.

After a few minutes, Jin answered with sadness and shock evident in his voice, "That's Soohyun."

My eyebrows furrowed, who is 'Soohyun?'

Taehyung's POV

"How?!" I said, putting him down on the ground. "How are you here, alive?! I saw how my father killed you, in front of everyone! Years ago!" Soohyun smiled, shaking his head.

"It's a really, really, long story. But for short, you need to thank Hoseok. Don't get mad at him, please. He didn't have a choice, and either way he didn't want me dead. He um.. He put a protector spell on me, when the Alpha back then killed me. Yes, I was dead. But like for twenty minutes. The next thing I knew, was that I woke up in the forest.
I thought I was dead, but I was actually very much alive. I didn't really know where I was, until a week passed. I was in rogue territory. I appearantly walked so far, I didn't know how to get back. I was all alone, since there was literally no other wolf to be found. That would be dangerous, even."

Tears brimmed in my eyes, and I hugged him again. The feeling is overwhelming, I can't believe it.

"So all those years.. You were in rogue territory?" He nodded, hugging me. "I missed you. I'm so glad to see you again. You really have no idea how much I missed you."

"I missed you, so, so, much.." I trailed off, forgetting everyone around me.

Before I knew it, Soohyun's lips were on mine. I kissed back, tilting my head.

That's when I noticed something.

I didn't feel my wolf. It's like he was gone.

I pulled away due to the lack of air and hugged him again, "I'm so glad you're back. Alive. Come on, you need to eat and take a shower. Also, you need fresh clothes. You reek." He giggled, agreeing.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me, going towards my room. I closed the door behind us, the cheering fading in the distance.

I pulled some clothes out of my closet and handed them to him, pointing to the bathroom.

He hurried towards it and I heard the shower turn on.

That's when I began thinking.

So Hoseok has been lying to me for years and years, never bothering to tell me about it?

I scoffed, feeling angry. Really, really, angry.

Narrator's POV

Taehyung's scent intensified, filling the whole room and also covering Jungkook's scent that was still in the air. Not that Taehyung was thinking about that right now, though.

Soohyun wasn't able to smell Jungkook's scent, because of Taehyung's.

While the old two lovers were in the same room together, no one was with Jungkook who ran away from the scene as soon as he saw Taehyung's lips on Soohyun's.

With big tears full of pain rolling down his cheeks, he ran towards his room and began stuffing all of his clothes in the suitcase he had.

He felt broken. Betrayed. Lied to. Used. Worthless.

Replaced in a finger snap.

Jungkook's POV

Am I really that replaceable? I'm I a joke?

One moment Taehyung was saying that I'm his Luna, the pack's Luna, he was trying to court me.

And now?

My wolf was whimpering loudly inside of me, the feeling was too much. I've never felt so much pain crashing down on me before.

With a heavy heart, I zipped the suitcase up.

It was hard to breath, like someone was squeezing my lungs. I sobbed loudly, not that anyone heard me and in hopelessness mindlinked Sungjae.

I want to get out of here. Right now. It's too much.

'C-can you pick me up at the borderline? P-please?'

I think he heard my desparation, not asking any questions he replied,

-'I'm going there right now.'

I grabbed the suitcase and ran downstairs, squeezing myself through the crowd and ran out of the door.

I didn't even bother to say goodbye to Jimin, and the other guys. It was like my mind went blank, the only thing I thought about was how badly I wanted to get away from there.

Since Taehyung and I bonded, I shut off our mindlink that has never been used before, making sure he would never be able to speak to me again.

My legs felt like jelly, the more and more I ran away from the pack house.

I was panting, my vision was becoming blurry but I didn't care.

I ran further and further, seeing Sungjae in the distance.

Black dots appeared in my vision but I still continued to run.

'Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop..' I repeated in my head.

Before I knew it, everything became black and I fell to the ground.

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